What did you accomplish today?


Ursus marijanus
Immurement smacks of Poe, no?
Poe's imagery is compelling, but the sort of consuming passion that would make one stab a mower 23 times in the Forum, or lick the poison off some dear emo's lips, or wash one's hands for evermore ... that is Bard-a-licious.

I was moved to explore a third source of metaphor mentioning motives for murdering mowers in masonry. I am thinking Shelley might deliver.

I had a mower from a distant land
That said "Two mighty pulls
is what the Manual says will start me.
Near me, in the clay,
half stoned a sunken visage frowns,
whose sneer of cold command
not one fuck from me conjured."
I stamped on the lifeless thing
and, with mighty despair,
beheld the towering rage
that bade me Build Something Fucked,
and contort this wheeled seed of the Betrayer
into hearth's monoxide-venting Hell.
Behold my works, ye Toke&Talkers,
and consider twice
the fate of being a balky device.

Untouched by Artifice's whirling blade
The laughing grass stretches tall and far.


Well-Known Member
Poe's imagery is compelling, but the sort of consuming passion that would make one stab a mower 23 times in the Forum, or lick the poison off some dear emo's lips, or wash one's hands for evermore ... that is Bard-a-licious.

I was moved to explore a third source of metaphor mentioning motives for murdering mowers in masonry. I am thinking Shelley might deliver.

I had a mower from a distant land
That said "Two mighty pulls
is what the Manual says will start me.
Near me, in the clay,
half stoned a sunken visage frowns,
whose sneer of cold command
not one fuck from me conjured."
I stamped on the lifeless thing
and, with mighty despair,
beheld the towering rage
that bade me Build Something Fucked,
and contort this wheeled seed of the Betrayer
into hearth's monoxide-venting Hell.
Behold my works, ye Toke&Talkers,
and consider twice
the fate of being a balky device.

Untouched by Artifice's whirling blade
The laughing grass stretches tall and far.
You sure you're on the right drugs brudda?


Well-Known Member
Poe's imagery is compelling, but the sort of consuming passion that would make one stab a mower 23 times in the Forum, or lick the poison off some dear emo's lips, or wash one's hands for evermore ... that is Bard-a-licious.

I was moved to explore a third source of metaphor mentioning motives for murdering mowers in masonry. I am thinking Shelley might deliver.

I had a mower from a distant land
That said "Two mighty pulls
is what the Manual says will start me.
Near me, in the clay,
half stoned a sunken visage frowns,
whose sneer of cold command
not one fuck from me conjured."
I stamped on the lifeless thing
and, with mighty despair,
beheld the towering rage
that bade me Build Something Fucked,
and contort this wheeled seed of the Betrayer
into hearth's monoxide-venting Hell.
Behold my works, ye Toke&Talkers,
and consider twice
the fate of being a balky device.

Untouched by Artifice's whirling blade
The laughing grass stretches tall and far.
Show off , ........ You're rhythm is better than mine and it makes me sadder , but his new mower looks like a bagger.

Another one star poem early this morning.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

Been busy. The nursing home treated my mom like shit and I came close to chocking this little bitch out.

Sorry was people don't want to do their job. I brought mom home and I'm taking care of her.

Little stressed with everything going on.
That sucks man, I took my grandma out of her nursing home and took care of her until she passed. Now you won't have to worry that shes being taken care of properly because you'll be doing it.

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

Been busy. The nursing home treated my mom like shit and I came close to chocking this little bitch out.

Sorry was people don't want to do their job. I brought mom home and I'm taking care of her.

Little stressed with everything going on.
I'm sure that made your mom so happy. Good on you man.

It's crazy how this country treats their elderly. My Filipino in laws have both grandmas living with them and caring for them and it's totally normal.