n,n-dimethyltryptamine Dosage Effects - Tolerance


Well-Known Member


n,n - DMT is the most potent psychedelic compound found on the planet. This is a life expanding psychoactive chemical that causes intense hallucinations and can induce profound spiritual experiences that are life transformational. ~ Starting in the mid-1980s, N,N-DMT gained significant popularity from Terence McKenna's many glowing rants about the strange visions it can precipitate. Following Rick Strassman's research in the early 1990s, and the theories he proposed in his popular 2001 book/documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule (theories that have since been widely promoted via the Internet), DMT availability and extraction techniques have become more and more well known in recent years. [2007]


Tolerance: Many users report needing to wait an hour or so between attempts to be able to gain back tolerance or to achieve the same effects. However, many people have reported negative/uncomfortable experiences; if habitually using DMT over and over again. Latent psychological crises can come to the surface, be educate Yourself on psychedelic substances.

Dosage : A standard dose for smoked N,N-DMT is between 15-60 mg [breakthroughs are typically 35-65 mgs]. This is generally inhaled in two-three successive breaths until the user is unable (or unwilling) to take another toke of n,n-dmt smoke [this is uncommon on light doses].

15 mgs : a lot like a peak of a 200 mic acid trip. Rainbow auras around rays of light [star pattern effect]. Very surreal / real at the same time. Increase in visual equity / ability to focus. Extremely profound intuitive experiences and goosebump type phenomenon. A feeling of connection, satisfaction, overwhelming gratitude, and pleasant vibes. VERY attractive CEV [compared to any LSD cevs]. An under water like cerebral head high with a twist of a psilocybin body high attached to it. [Some newbies find this effect very uncomfortable, depending on set and setting] ~ Entity contact is rarely reported at this dose. [breakthroughs are not possible at this dosage] ~ Level 2

25 mgs : this is where things get powerful and kind of uncomfortable. This is considered a true dmt trip, however this is not breakthrough. ~Visual field become distracting yet entertaining. Some people report distant entity contact, especially with ClosedEyeVisuals. Audio hallucinations become very apparent [this is like a 500 mic LSD trip]. CEV and OEV are extremely intense and profound. CEV are like watching the most detailed spontaneous animated color changing images / designs from every culture. Feeling of belonging; ability to focus / navigate thoughts. The features, symbolisms, and designs presented in the experience go along with One's thoughts / personal life in the most profound ways possible. "Loops" and "thought dwellings" can happen, due to dmt's self reflective psychological effects [this can be extremely beautiful and/or this can be extremely painful ]. OpenEyeVisuals are more enhanced type visuals along with meaningful synchronistic moments that seem to stick after effects wear off. ~ Insight to One's own lifestyles and behaviors. ~ Level 3 - 4

35 mgs : Sensory overload / input; this is where things get extremely powerful. Effects come on within the first 3-15 seconds. Most people that intend to breakthrough at this dose, sometimes refuse to continue smoking because the effects come on so quickly and/or were not ready for 'a breakthrough'. ~ Flower of Life fractal type visuals of any and every design/scale are presented, [OEV and CEV]. Loud / overwhelming ringing / auditory input. Profoundly vivid scenarios manifest Themselves within the self conscious matrix; unfolding personal identity and revelation. Entity contact is sometimes reported but not like 'breakthroughs'. This is always a life changing dose. Most can handle it quite well but this dose can scare people who have never taken a psychedelic drug before. ~ This dose is often reported as extremely thought provoking and sometimes even scary. Some people have reported breakthroughs at this dose, only due to smoking the n,n-dmt correctly/non wastefully. Most people do not breakthrough at this dose. There is typically a blending of both CEV and OEV. This can be a very intense experience for anyone. ~ Level 3 - 5

45 mgs : Near death type scenarios/experiences; ego loss is often described along with profound astral projections. Divine intervention and profound memory lapses/recall. Most people report getting sling shot through a color changing wormhole while being guided by a mysterious, all knowing entity. some report nausea, depending on body contents. ~ Some people report visiting "god-central" or the control room of the universe. Angelic/demonic interaction is often encountered depending on set and setting. CEV seem to emerge the user further into the experience instead of keeping the eyes open. ~ Vivid landscape, real life scenarios, like flying over an ocean or being strapped onto a millennial falcon while flashing past, present, and future. Extreme emotional responses. Feeling of awakening for the first time ever from a deep sleep. The feeling of liberation and a state of understanding. [You are getting into strong-heavy entheogenic / sacramental experiences] ~ Level 4 -5 - Effects last 10 - 15 minutes

60 mgs : Breakthough "blast off" ~ Extreme sensory overload / input. Complete ego loss and dissolving of self. Eons of vast/open timeless vaulted spaces. Encountering other worlds / realms. Chrysanthemum cathedral / corridor type backgrounds; like staring at a rapidly changing, kaleidoscopic stained glass mandala. Unbelievable amounts of vibrancy of color manifested in countless ways. Entity interference and divine intervention is always common. "Synchronicity" becomes to apparent, that One gains a whole new perception on not just the word 'synchonicity' but the definition of life itself. ~ The quality of the experience becomes so deep and meaningful that explaining it is simply ineffable. After effects is the feeling of coming back into One's body from an Out of Body Experience. This is literally like seeing Your spirit self float back into Your physical body. THIS IS NOT A DRUG,
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Sorry, no, I would put salvia as the ultimate mindfuck.
DMT might break down the ego, but salvia breaks everything that stays behind.
Iv done both and I really don't think salvia can take you as far as DMT...salvia is trippy for sure, but I look at psychs as a rope down the rabbit whole and so far DMT is the longest rope
Have You ever meditated while chewing on fresh leaves ?
Very entheogenic.
Have You ever meditated while chewing on fresh leaves ?
Very entheogenic.
No my experiences with salvia are limited and more then a decade ago, but like everything els when I tryd it I went harder then everyone els in the room....i really think DMT is the epitome of psychs..maybe even the closest thing to a god we have...sometimes I wish all the world leaders would get put in a room and made to take massive amounts of DMT...worlds problems cured
Sorry, no, I would put salvia as the ultimate mindfuck.
DMT might break down the ego, but salvia breaks everything that stays behind.
Smoke extracts ? "DMT might break down the ego"...
Very SPIRIT like...

No my experiences with salvia are limited and more then a decade ago, but like everything els when I tryd it I went harder then everyone els in the room....i really think DMT is the epitome of psychs..maybe even the closest thing to a god we have...sometimes I wish all the world leaders would get put in a room and made to take massive amounts of DMT...worlds problems cured
Intention is a powerful thing...

i don't got netflix. ha welll whatever this still works. at least i got the good ol worl whi web
Interesting!!!! That is bad ass as fuck that they have it for free on YouTube !!!!!!

Got any reports or blast off stories for Us, @WildCard008 ?
this one time I felt like my body dropped.
i took about 2 or 3 normal sized hits. when i was blowing out the third hit , it was like i lost my body.
it felt so euphoric and comfortable. i closed my eyes and saw the normal black background then i noticed these particles or energy swirl together in the most organised way. as they swirled it made a sort of robot type of mass archetype figure and then swirled into a million different shapes and objects.
the body high is very good feeling. the visuals are unexplainable but so cool to watch.
sometimes the auditory hum freaks me out but sometimes it calms me down, the visuals and particles I speak about above reminds me of this video you see above. but my trip was a lot more focused on whips of energy that would stay yellowish/gold/white instead of changing other colors.

This information was provided by creative minds of all the writers / contributors to DMT: The Spirit Molecule

"Rogdog awaits his next DMT encounter to test his theories about entity contact. The following are excerpts from his thoughts on the subject. It truly is something that haunts, excites, bewilders and astonishes me everytime I think back to that fateful day I was 'cursed' with a DMT encounter....

Maybe in the end the Dzogchen buddhists provide an explanation regarding the "alien" entity contact, essentially saying that all projections are from the ground luminosity. I have a certain knowing that there was an energy in front of me, independent from me, yet only appearing to me when I closed my eyes and sought to go deeper. How many Dzogchen practitoners throughout history have experienced first hand smoked DMT crystals, what would they say then?

While using DMT, I could perceive moving energy segments of brilliant colour all over his skin and bone structure of his face. I managed to push myself back in a last effort and lay back. About 15 seconds had passed since my second toke. I know that I was having an intense revelation, one that I can not talk about here, but one I remember every time I use DMT, the revelation was one of Ultimate Realness, that is all I can say. The visuals I definitely recall with utmost clarity, I feel gifted this way.

I closed my eyes and focused immediately into the distance, it was very clear, crystalline and symmetric yet totally organic. Out of the terrifyingly complex colours and patterns emerged and formed an entity that sneered at me, grinning wildly with two piercing eyes, it was free floating and fractalising. Swirling arms and appendages formed out of its now more solid ethereal body of light.

I sensed or imagined that smaller invisible beings were slicing me up across the chest and stomach with laser sharp instruments, it was painful, but somewhat acceptable and bearable. In retrospect, this was perhaps the DMT vapour touching my lung pathways. The Entity formed greater within my closed eye visual perception and was growing more menacing, I felt it trying to attach it self to me, or get inside me somehow. I did what I felt had to do. I mentally said and intended the thought "COME ON THEN!" and threatened back at it what it was doing to me. With this, it started to dissipate, in the reverse way that it had formed. As it subsided away back into the colourful patterns and geometrics I pleaded with it to come back, but it had gone. This experience was the most profoundly moving experience of my known live experience of this life on Earth. As I breathed deeper and deeper I felt body sensations, detachement , all thought was still functioning, wanted to experience union, but had a reality shift instead. Every visual perception was doubled...."

source : unknown
In my previous post I said I think DMT is the closest thing to a god we have, but iv changed my mind..I think DMT is our god...think about it if dmt is in most plants and animals and in humans then it would be the common denominator of language
In my previous post I said I think DMT is the closest thing to a god we have, but iv changed my mind..I think DMT is our god...think about it if dmt is in most plants and animals and in humans then it would be the common denominator of language
...DMT is what connects Us all...
Lol I seen 3 female jesters on my first time wish I knew how to smoke it better I didn't go down the tunnel it was kinda like I was still here bUT they where calling me in they where sexy .