Calling All Ganja Genius's


Active Member
Hello all the Big Brains of this forum this is my first plant. I need help on basically my setup and a few problems i'm having. I think i might just about have the basics down.

Right first my set up:
2x 125W Flo Envirolite (Red,Blue) With Reflector
1 Fan
In a cuboard with white walls

The plants a 2rd Gen from a friend who stuffed it up the first time. I regenarated it not really knowing what to do but it worked and was looking really heathy up to flowering it was on maricle gro plant food that u just add to water (high nitrate).

Then was told by a friend i needed to get some (cavemans) bat guano and as i was looking found some rock guano mixed it with some miracle grow bloom booster 0/0/30+ (alot of each maybe a bit too much bat guano as i have nitrate burning and curling leaves) I put in several hand fulls of all three scratched it into the soil and have been watering it in no more nuits just water.

As the buds started forming the plant started leaning i mean really learning 90% angle when not in my cupboard not sure if its the pot size or growin without movement weak stalks.

All brains welcome please let me know on anything that would help thanx

Things im not sure about: long do you think shes got?
2.Any info on nitrate burning
3.why has my plant got a ganster lean?
4.Should my buds be that size
5.Pots and stalks too small?



Well-Known Member
Alright well first of all, she has about a month or more to go, cause those pistils are quite white and still stretching like mafuckas
You are not burning it too bad(if not at all) from the pics, maybe you can see something i cant but i didnt look too deep but i didnt see too much nute burn, but what is the strain? wierd color of leaves and the overall plant, its REALLY dark, like the stem is blackish green to my eyes(im in no way a ganja genius, i just know my shit)
Your plant has a gangsta lean because the stalk cant even comprehend the weight that it has to support, put a 4 foot wooden stick in the pot on the side its leaning to to support her, give her a second stem in thought right?
your buds seem to be adequate size for the plant and how far thru/how ripe they are
Your pots are fine but the stems are twindly for the size of plant, and i dont think ive ever heard of someone going the cheap way of gettin MG, but then wanting to go the distance and get guano, lol twilight zone of oxymoronic choices? lol it doesnt matter, oh well man for what you've said, that plant is quite decent, since you took it after your friend fucked it up. good luck anyways man and i hope i could help


Well-Known Member
How long you been flowering? How much mg booste r you using? and how long. Definetly tie that up. No fan on the plant right?


Active Member
Alright well first of all, she has about a month or more to go, cause those pistils are quite white and still stretching like mafuckas
You are not burning it too bad(if not at all) from the pics, maybe you can see something i cant but i didnt look too deep but i didnt see too much nute burn, but what is the strain? wierd color of leaves and the overall plant, its REALLY dark, like the stem is blackish green to my eyes(im in no way a ganja genius, i just know my shit)
Your plant has a gangsta lean because the stalk cant even comprehend the weight that it has to support, put a 4 foot wooden stick in the pot on the side its leaning to to support her, give her a second stem in thought right?
your buds seem to be adequate size for the plant and how far thru/how ripe they are
Your pots are fine but the stems are twindly for the size of plant, and i dont think ive ever heard of someone going the cheap way of gettin MG, but then wanting to go the distance and get guano, lol twilight zone of oxymoronic choices? lol it doesnt matter, oh well man for what you've said, that plant is quite decent, since you took it after your friend fucked it up. good luck anyways man and i hope i could help
Cheers for the help bro. The pistils on one of the buds is starting to turn brown don't know what that means light burning it or just starting to ripen? but i'm guessing i put too much nuits ( a couple of hand fulls of each) which when reading the bad guano it says sprinkle some ontop and water in well i put in about a couple of inch in because the soil needed toping up any way not a good idear on my part:wall: but its done now this is were i got the bat guano from go on this web site it should be on this page Caveman's Bat Guano Organic Fertilizer
will ad loads more pics or go onto my other threads i put the same thing in another part but has more pics and soz dont know the strain was out of some really nice weed but i call her beast i wish i got some pics before she it started flowering it was so heathy!! and looked so good anyway cheers for the reply


Active Member
How long you been flowering? How much mg booste r you using? and how long. Definetly tie that up. No fan on the plant right?
erm about two handfuls i don't think its the mg or rock guano i put too much of more too much nitrate in the bat poo. will get somthing to tie it up with and will post more pics cheers for the reply much appreciated


Active Member
You are not burning it too bad(if not at all) from the pics, maybe you can see something i cant but i didnt look too deep but i didnt see too much nute burn,

Hes a pic i don't know if the nuit burning was bad but got a pic of it. I picked most of the burnt leaves off. The others were worse with most of the leaf burnt but as i said not sure if it was bad. on the photo with the bud look at the curling of the leaves and the burnt tips is it bad?



Well-Known Member
that looks more like light burn to me, couldnt see any fiucked up shit on the leaves and deformities or wierld color patches or rotting, it looks like your lights are burning the very tips and making them curl, or your plant gets the curls(mine did) but them leaves look sexy green to me, i wouldnt worry myself, your grow seems to be under control, as of now at least, flowering is a bitch to get thru the first time, somehow i did it to my own astonishment still, GL still man


Well-Known Member
A couple of handfuls? Thats like trying to force a person to consume 1000 big macs in one sitting. Jesus dude you nuted the fuck out of it if you used more than a teaspoon of Miracle grow fert. Personally I would flush the soil with 20 gallons of pure water and pray to the pot gods that the MG ferts got washed out.

You have to be careful with nutrients/fertilizers. a little bit goes a long way. Just because some is good does not mean more is better. Its kind of like chemotherapy, they give you just the right amount of poison to kill the cancer but allow you to live. well ferts in large amounts are like poison and you just dumped a whole industrial accident all over your plant. The bat guano by itself would have been sufficient to flower with.


Active Member
A couple of handfuls? Thats like trying to force a person to consume 1000 big macs in one sitting. Jesus dude you nuted the fuck out of it if you used more than a teaspoon of Miracle grow fert. Personally I would flush the soil with 20 gallons of pure water and pray to the pot gods that the MG ferts got washed out.

You have to be careful with nutrients/fertilizers. a little bit goes a long way. Just because some is good does not mean more is better. Its kind of like chemotherapy, they give you just the right amount of poison to kill the cancer but allow you to live. well ferts in large amounts are like poison and you just dumped a whole industrial accident all over your plant. The bat guano by itself would have been sufficient to flower with.

I didn't use the MG plant food, I stopped it when it flowered i'm using organic MG bloom booster and it said to use a couple of handfuls and scratch into the soil and water in for trees i wouldn't say it was a big tree but its bigger than a plant and its 2rd Gen i thought it might be able to take more coz i intoduced MG plant food in small amounts and then got bigger untill i was feeding everytime i watered more and more. It looked really heathy untill it started to flower then the leaves were'nt as lush.
Cheers for the reply


Active Member
that looks more like light burn to me, couldnt see any fiucked up shit on the leaves and deformities or wierld color patches or rotting, it looks like your lights are burning the very tips and making them curl, or your plant gets the curls(mine did) but them leaves look sexy green to me, i wouldnt worry myself, your grow seems to be under control, as of now at least, flowering is a bitch to get thru the first time, somehow i did it to my own astonishment still, GL still man
I'm using a envirolite flo they don't get that hot plus the light was like 4-5 inchs (about 2 now)away so i'm guessing it was nitrate burn because I broke off all the bad leaves. Do leaves shrivle up? Is that normal do they go a bit yellow aswell.
As always nice one for the Info. (still newb wots GL :?: )