Plants worse for wear in the evening


Well-Known Member
Help please people! Transplanted my plants from smaller pots to bigger the other day, went fine. Watered, all good. Checked them this morning, still looking good. Got home from work today, and they look like they're trying to commit suicide. Any ideas what's going on? Soil is still damp - so won't be watering until its knuckle-deep dry.
Oh and I topped them last night too, but like I say this morning they were fine.

Thanks in advance ^.^



Well-Known Member
Did you just put them outside? Looks like a plant that has not been hardened off. Even if your soil is damp, it has too be damp in the old dirt to matter. Look wilted and in need of water in the old dirt where the roots still are pulling from.


Well-Known Member
Did you just put them outside? Looks like a plant that has not been hardened off. Even if your soil is damp, it has too be damp in the old dirt to matter. Look wilted and in need of water in the old dirt where the roots still are pulling from.
No theyve always been outside

leather lungs

Well-Known Member
Only let the morning sun get to it and a little late afternoon. Put in diffused light rest of time. It will perk up in a day or so.