Tell me what you think.


Well-Known Member
i have a 45w glow panel which im not sure about the specs along with 2 17w 3k par lamps as well as 2 23w 6500k cfl bulbs. they seem to be doing ok as of right now. i have many more of the above mentioned bulbs if needed.

one seed is a la plata labs alien bubble which im waiting to find out the gender and the other is just a seed i found in my stash (the bigger one)



Well-Known Member
Looks good so far, except I'd move the cfls closer, they aren't doin much good up there. Here's what I had with my first two seedlings lolIMG_0525.JPG


Well-Known Member
Throw a couple of rocks in there and you'll do about a pound.
Don't mess around with the warm white bulbs, they put out less light and plants under them perform poorer than under cool white.


Well-Known Member
:sleep: lol cubes is giving advice. My advice would be to not spend more on a tent than your lights. You dont even need a dark period until you flower. Good luck.
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Well-Known Member
That has absolutely nothing to do with this guys thread or my advice lol I don't go speaking on things I don't know. I'm kindly passing along what I've learned. Just because I haven't completed a harvest yet doesn't mean my advice isn't sound. But it's cool man you can sit there and one up me all day :blsmoke: cheers!

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the dusty looking appearance of the larger plant tells me its infested, i'd say mites, thrips are pretty noticeable. go to the local big box and get an OMRI approved spray. look for something with neem oil to begin with. follow the instructions on the bottle. neem will usually get rid of them if you use it properly - 3 to 4 sprayings 3 to 4 days apart to get any emerging young.
pyrethin is the next step if the neem oil doesn't work.
if you get anything during flower, go with spinosad, it has a very short half life and is pretty effective.
neem is all organic and won't hurt anything, but to me it smells like rotting sesame oil. i like to use it during veg, but won't touch it during flower, i don't want my buds to taste like that. spinosad has no smell or taste i can detect

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
actually, after blowing that pic up, you might have "not tobacco mosaic virus"....which is actually not usually a big problem, but just to make sure, i'd look for a combination product, one that has a fungicide in it. i use "rose rx 3 in 1" by bonide, and it seems to work really well, i've actually used it on roses and it gets rid of black spot within a week.
i say "not tobacco virus" because apparently cannabis CAN'T get tmv, but it can get something that looks exactly like it, acts exactly like it, and gets treated exactly like it...but if you call it tmv, people HAVE to tell you its not


Well-Known Member
actually, after blowing that pic up, you might have "not tobacco mosaic virus"....which is actually not usually a big problem, but just to make sure, i'd look for a combination product, one that has a fungicide in it. i use "rose rx 3 in 1" by bonide, and it seems to work really well, i've actually used it on roses and it gets rid of black spot within a week.
i say "not tobacco virus" because apparently cannabis CAN'T get tmv, but it can get something that looks exactly like it, acts exactly like it, and gets treated exactly like it...but if you call it tmv, people HAVE to tell you its not

Think I should just trash it? It's still weeks away from showing its sex and like I said it's just a seed I found in my stash not sure if I even wanna put the effort into it. I only really care about the small plant as that's one of the seeds I paid for. Also you are probably right I used some old soil I've been wondering what the dusty look was because I haven't actually seen any bugs.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
it'll grow just fine, i'd just treat it in case thats actually what it is, and i wouldn't bother to take any cuttings from it.
tmv in tobacco is very contagious, w/e that is in weed doesn't seem to be nearly as much so. i've grown out a few plants with it and had no problems

and some plants have a natural color variegation, it might just be genetic and not a virus at all. if it is a virus the effected leaves will start to grow in strange curves, making it pretty easy to identify.
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Well-Known Member
Both you fools told him it looks good, both of you dumbass should shut the fuck up.
well bloody hell, wasn't really blowing the pic up looking for bug problems mate. I see it now. But you mr sunshine should go back to bed and also kindly take this foot and shove it up your arse ya :finger: