DIY 4x12 3500K/5000k lm561c two channel board

Rolla J

Well-Known Member
Haha im just taking shyt like everone else on here lol. But seriously tho vegas i can see why these people with their cfl grows be hating on your futuristic sleek led lights. Not to mention sticking your neck out for others as a true brother would do. Lame ass kiddie bitch boys who comment and antagonize others for their efforts and time. Not even one compliment i see


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The 2 MK 1 boards are running away nicely. :D
Bout a week into flower. 20170903_203435.jpg 20170903_203450.jpg 20170903_203458.jpg 20170903_213154.jpgStill 100 watts a board.
The nearest the light was to the plants was 7" and no sign of damage to the leaves.
The Stawberry Banana is a monster compared to the Sensi stars so I scalped it and tied her down. The Wappa is a stretcher too but she's in a small pot raised off the deck by a about 5"s to level the canopy.
I'm happy enough with them so far


Well-Known Member
Why not read what you reply to? We were talking about the Arduino dimming boards.

Also, he's been making a "big deal" about the more experienced forum members advertising and selling their products here. Pretending he was above all that because he's supposedly not advertising. Yet he's spamming like crazy, do that makes him a huge hypocrite which warrants a "big deal" when he keeps on doing it.
Ah right didn't see it was in regards to something else. As far as the other stuff about advertising I would say that's something that's up to the mods to discuss, if you want to start classifying group buys as commercial quantities and expect them to pay advertising fees your going to lose out on a ton of amazing diy stuff like this IMO


Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow @Moflow . I turned mine up to 200w in a 2x2 wow growth plus I am trying MegaCrop and it is doing as advertised.
I have learned to just put them on ignore. I have learned folks I thought were nice people have an agenda.
I have an agenda. Free the seed . helping folks get QUALITY light engines.
I followed Vitaly before anyone was paying attention. I studied his light engines and decided this is what I want but cost prohibitive.
I got some of his gen2 boards and repurposed parts to keep it cheap.
Figured others want the same. Who am I to get in the way of progress. Light engines work great. I posted pics of my bell peppers. My peppers on the north porch no peppers yet. Hmmm.
Thanks for standing up for group diy that is who we are.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing that happened with Free The Seed GREED destroyed the concept.

The idea was to give a pack of FREEBIES for every seed order made to provide more seeds so that regulation would be impossible to control, because everyone would already have cannabis seeds. Great concept Unfortunately, people kept the Freebies for themselves and started expecting Freebies with every seed order they made to keep to them self as well. Free the Seed was turned into a Freebie seed program because GREED caused the failure to beat Big Government and it became another marketing idea failed.

This is MY Free The Seed Program!
It will not Fail!


Well-Known Member
Presented without further comment;
This thread is completely bonkers.
I mean without all the bullshit drama it's fine, go put this at any other forum in a diy section and see what happens lol no clue why this place specifically brings out so much drama. Maybe has something to do with the advertising bullshit?
unknown. grow technology. cannabis has been a plant for many years. 1 revision.


Well-Known Member
I mean without all the bullshit drama it's fine, go put this at any other forum in a diy section and see what happens lol no clue why this place specifically brings out so much drama. Maybe has something to do with the advertising bullshit?
I mean it's a fascinating discussion and I am learning a lot from the back and forth but so much emotive talk!

Anyway, I love anything DIY so I won't complain...


Well-Known Member
I mean it's a fascinating discussion and I am learning a lot from the back and forth but so much emotive talk!

Anyway, I love anything DIY so I won't complain...
Yeah same. As a new grower I only even found out about this forum from Googling about diy and the bridgelux strips thread came up. That thread was amazing with so much great info being freely shared without much drama. It's things like that we should be focusing on but I guess with any large forum you are always going to get drama between people best to just ignore it i guess.


Well-Known Member
@amyg88 , @rayuki It's only a few people who immediately play the victim role when someone doesn't agree (like the starter of this thread). Unfortunately it's a tight nit group which always upvote each others posts and pretend each others word is the ultimate truth even though it's usually clear that it's nonsense.

Unfortunately the people with the real knowledge like SupraSPL, Alesh, SDS etc don't come around too often anymore (if at all) and a few others have turned to sellers and apart from COBkits and Rahz they now mostly advertise/discuss their own products.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry folks bring their drama here. I learned that when you are doing something food for others negative forces are attracted to the positive energy and strive to stop the positive energy because that is what negative energy does.

A CO-OP member had an emergency and his four boards are now available. These are the last boards available until the next CO-OP. DM if you are interested
thanks for making this work. it takes a community to change a community.


Well-Known Member
That's interesting, but it fails to answer several basic questions- like where did they go?
If you follow Polynesian DNA trackways, mitchondrial DNA shows a percentage coming from the East....opposite of the Melasian diaspora that is proposed.
Just like the ridiculous Siberian land-bridge theory....Bluefish Caves killed that and in fact the Land Bridge has been revised or will be revised, similar to plate techtonics....unfortunately, some of the biggest [actually the top 3 largest] volcano's on the west coast: Newberry Crater, Medicine Lake Highlands and Long Valley Caldera cannot be explained by techtonic theory, although shock dynamics is just as bad predictor.....

aka we are pretty dumb when we come to interpreting science aka biased because of our stupidity, not our ego, which some think.


Well-Known Member
If you follow Polynesian DNA trackways, mitchondrial DNA shows a percentage coming from the East....opposite of the Melasian diaspora that is proposed.
Just like the ridiculous Siberian land-bridge theory....Bluefish Caves killed that and in fact the Land Bridge has been revised or will be revised, similar to plate techtonics....unfortunately, some of the biggest [actually the top 3 largest] volcano's on the west coast: Newberry Crater, Medicine Lake Highlands and Long Valley Caldera cannot be explained by techtonic theory, although shock dynamics is just as bad predictor.....

aka we are pretty dumb when we come to interpreting science aka biased because of our stupidity, not our ego, which some think.
*ahem* "This thread is completely bonkers."