Mohican's 2017 Season

OK - I just gave a dose of Maui Wowie pollen or two to the plants. The sun is finally coming out from behind the marine layer and I can get some pics. See you in a few.

Garden Tour

OK - The Blula is not going to recover from the nute burn. Time to post the ugly truth.

Fuck man that plant was HUGE, sorry you lost it :( Its really though when you put in the hard work only to have a pile of compost. Hopefully your other plants do alright! I really like your whole garden tho. Im trying to branch out and grow more varieties of plants too.
Damn Mo, yep, I would say its past recovery, nute burn ?
What did ya add ? Iv never seen any of your plants look anything like that.
The others don't look affected, so theres that...
Hi All. Thanks for the replies.

I am using the dry Alaska fish fertilizer. I poured the whole bag on top and soaked it. Between the heat and the shock it fried poor Blula.

I thought it would be fine because of how big the plant was. I grew a small plant in a one gallon container where the soil was half dry fish ferts. I never thought it would burn the plant.

I have plenty more Blula seeds so it isn't a total loss. Unfortunately it was the one that I wanted to get the Maui Wowie seeds from. All of the other plants seem to be doing great. The weather has settled down.
