Mohican's 2017 Season

Actually I am from here. However, we moved to Colorado for a couple of years.

I remember a Christmas at midnight, when the moon was full in a cloudless star filled sky, and the ground was covered with several feet of fresh snow. It was so quiet outside, muffled by the thick blanket of snow. The air was so fresh, clean, and refreshing. The reflected moonlight lit up the night in a dazzling blue glow with rainbow diamonds glistening in the snow. It was a life-changing moment of exquisite beauty.

Moments like that almost make up for the other 150 days of freezing weather, almost.

Now I enjoy January days that look like this:

Garden Tour

My contract has ended and now I have some gardening time again! Maybe I can convince @BobBitchen to let me sprout 50 of his classic seeds.

North garden:

Proto #4

Blula #3

Mystery Dirt Pipes Reveg:

Mystery Peach #2 Reveg:

Chia Pot Reveg:

Screen room:

We added another row of screen on top last weekend.
