2 g/W in a VSoG, D-VSoG or a Q-VSoG seems plausible, this is my end-game.
For now, I'm running top-down in a SoG. My conservative estimation is 1.6 g/W as I've seen HID accomplish that task.
Being a newcomer to LED, I'm having to compare the new technology to my experience with HID. Given the claims of LED being so much better, with the Math to back it up, I decided to find the best deal with room to grow and flexibility (modulation).
TastyLED had everything I needed to get started, the math is there, it just needs proper implementation.
With the current light engines TastyLED has provided, I'm able to produce ~1400 PPF in my space with a very strong spectrum as well as passive air cooling (reliability).
With the headroom the beafy light engines and the efficiency of the Vero29C, I am able to push them up to 95W, passively, providing over 30,000 lm. I won't do that now because that would kill everything.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!