61% Say It’s Time for Hillary Clinton To Retire


Well-Known Member
tweetler wants to bang his little girl, you zika headed witless asshole. 'If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her'

++% of % has documented tweetler as the most abysmal potus every recorded. Currently at 37% a notable improvement over his historically low baseline.
'what we (ivanka and i) have on common? well i could say sex.' -donald the pedo drumpffffff.

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
Its actually painfully obvious, she been saying "Fuck all y'all" for years.
Cmon now, youre a shit curdling hypocrite

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

Trump D.C. Hotel Contractors Say They're Owed Millions

Exclusive: Trump's 3,500 lawsuits unprecedented for a presidential nominee

Updated 10:32 a.m. EDT Oct. 25, 2016
Donald Trump is a fighter, famous for legal skirmishes over everything from his golf courses to his tax bills to Trump University. But until now, it hasn’t been clear precisely how litigious he is and what that might portend for a Trump presidency.