US policy is 'not to defend Canada' in any N Korea attack

damn, so much for "we will defend our allies". But why would NK waste missiles on Canada instead of the US? (and can I just take this time to thank South Korea and Japan for providing better targets than now-within-range Australia, lol)
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China and Russia are putting an end to supplying weapons and fuel to NK.

You may relax now.

It's a war of Corporations. All hail Boeing, Exxon!

Americans forget what it feels like to have the Oil Industry squeeze their balls hard.

Sadly it's not in the "americans" interest to cut off Oil and lose profits.
First off I didn't say I was against dreamers. But I'll bite why do they get a free pass for being a law breaker? Why must we solve the problems their OWN parents created for them? I agree it's an awful position they are in but their parents decided to put their kids in that position. Are we or are we not a nation of laws?
I would agree many dreamers are good people an mean no harm. But not all have you seen the videos of daca kids flipping the bird at the cameras while they tell the citezens of this country to fuck off? We've got school forbidding chants of USA at games because some might be offended. Who is it do you think it is that would be offended by that? Have you seen schools sending legal citezens home from school because they wore a USA shirt on May 5.
If you aren't proud of the American flag or respect the legal citezens. No I don't want you here.

Reagan was the last president to make a deal in this area. The Dems promised boarde security and ending illegal immigration. If they had held ip their end of the bargain we wouldn't be in this mess now. But they didn't now they want to give more a pass. Then in a few years they'll allow their families to come. Isn't that the definition of rewarding bad behavior? Don't you think that will lead to continues illegal immigration?
I'd be more than happy to make a deal that allowed daca to stay. But in return I want FULL funding for a wall! I also want all immigration laws enforced NO EXEPTIONS! I'm all for LEGAL immigration. That includes full vetting and assimilation! The idea of no go zones like they have in Europe is unacceptable! Any immigrate that agrees with sharia law or have radical ties will not be permitted in or expelled at a later date. This isn't a joke. If they want to come here they OBEY our laws we are a democracy! We treat women as equals not second class citezens. Ect
LMAO.. you being serious makes this so much funnier. You should take a bath with a plugged in toaster
I'm tired of EVERYONE expecting the USA to protect or defend them. First off every country should consider their self defense ESSENTIAL as well as make sure it's capable of combating any threats they might face alone. Expecting the USA to defend them makes it easy for countries to take their own self defense less seriously and cut funding to their military. Which means they can't help USA when it needs it

Do you ever stop and think that perhaps countries like Canada are tired of pissing away billions of dollars, and losing thousands of soldiers having Americas back in every pointless war they engage in?

No, people like you don't think of stuff like that. You just piss and moan at the thought of the bloated American military possibly returning the favor...and then you wonder why the rest of the world thinks we're selfish assholes.
Do you ever stop and think that perhaps countries like Canada are tired of pissing away billions of dollars, and losing thousands of soldiers having Americas back in every pointless war they engage in?

No, people like you don't think of stuff like that. You just piss and moan at the thought of the bloated American military possibly returning the favor...and then you wonder why the rest of the world thinks we're selfish assholes.

goldberg71b is easy to bond over, no? We probably feel 100% the same about him and I'm enjoying that, actually. Thank you goldy!
I'm tired of EVERYONE expecting the USA to protect or defend them. First off every country should consider their self defense ESSENTIAL as well as make sure it's capable of combating any threats they might face alone. Expecting the USA to defend them makes it easy for countries to take their own self defense less seriously and cut funding to their military. Which means they can't help USA when it needs it. Most countries don't even pay their fair share in to NATO. But dam they want USA there in a heart beat if there's a problem. When there's war how long do those that join stay? We should all be united in ending both N Korea and Iranian nukes! I mean if you're not going to pay the AGREED upon % who is it picking up the tab? It's ALWAYS the USA.

When it comes time to fight everyone wants USA on there side. When there's no fighting they've got no problems firing political pot shots at USA. Right now N Korea seems hell bent on war with USA. Every country in the world should be on our side in this and putting 100% effort in to ending nukes in N Korea.

The rest of the world is aware of your attitude, "Buy our Nukes!" weather you know it or not.

Are you worried about the absents of Oil Industry lobbing dollars being spent to protect the Arctic?
The USCG has been asking for funding for years.
I'm tired of EVERYONE expecting the USA to protect or defend them. First off every country should consider their self defense ESSENTIAL as well as make sure it's capable of combating any threats they might face alone. Expecting the USA to defend them makes it easy for countries to take their own self defense less seriously and cut funding to their military. Which means they can't help USA when it needs it. Most countries don't even pay their fair share in to NATO. But dam they want USA there in a heart beat if there's a problem. When there's war how long do those that join stay? We should all be united in ending both N Korea and Iranian nukes! I mean if you're not going to pay the AGREED upon % who is it picking up the tab? It's ALWAYS the USA.

When it comes time to fight everyone wants USA on there side. When there's no fighting they've got no problems firing political pot shots at USA. Right now N Korea seems hell bent on war with USA. Every country in the world should be on our side in this and putting 100% effort in to ending nukes in N Korea.
Well. maybe if the USA didn't stick it's fucking nose in most every country in the fucking world, they wouldn't have so worry so much.
I'm tired of EVERYONE expecting the USA to protect or defend them. First off every country should consider their self defense ESSENTIAL as well as make sure it's capable of combating any threats they might face alone. Expecting the USA to defend them makes it easy for countries to take their own self defense less seriously and cut funding to their military. Which means they can't help USA when it needs it. Most countries don't even pay their fair share in to NATO. But dam they want USA there in a heart beat if there's a problem. When there's war how long do those that join stay? We should all be united in ending both N Korea and Iranian nukes! I mean if you're not going to pay the AGREED upon % who is it picking up the tab? It's ALWAYS the USA.

When it comes time to fight everyone wants USA on there side. When there's no fighting they've got no problems firing political pot shots at USA. Right now N Korea seems hell bent on war with USA. Every country in the world should be on our side in this and putting 100% effort in to ending nukes in N Korea.
Well. maybe if the USA didn't stick it's fucking nose in most every country in the fucking world, they wouldn't have so worry so much.
OMG. He's that loud, opinionated, know it all relative at thanksgiving that you're secretly hoping chokes on a cranberry.


Sadly, this is my dad in my family. He's gotten worse with age.

Edit: I'm going to start calling goldberg 'daddy'. I bet he'll love that. It'll be oddly cathartic for me, however. I'll use him for that. Sure!
I'm tired of EVERYONE expecting the USA to protect or defend them. First off every country should consider their self defense ESSENTIAL as well as make sure it's capable of combating any threats they might face alone. Expecting the USA to defend them makes it easy for countries to take their own self defense less seriously and cut funding to their military. Which means they can't help USA when it needs it. Most countries don't even pay their fair share in to NATO. But dam they want USA there in a heart beat if there's a problem. When there's war how long do those that join stay? We should all be united in ending both N Korea and Iranian nukes! I mean if you're not going to pay the AGREED upon % who is it picking up the tab? It's ALWAYS the USA.

When it comes time to fight everyone wants USA on there side. When there's no fighting they've got no problems firing political pot shots at USA. Right now N Korea seems hell bent on war with USA. Every country in the world should be on our side in this and putting 100% effort in to ending nukes in N Korea.
Well. maybe if the USA didn't stick it's fucking nose in most every country's business in the fucking world, those countries wouldn't have so much to worry about.
Well. maybe if the USA didn't stick it's fucking nose in most every country in the fucking world, they wouldn't have so worry so much.
Well. maybe if the USA didn't stick it's fucking nose in most every country in the fucking world, they wouldn't have so worry so much.
Well. maybe if the USA didn't stick it's fucking nose in most every country in the fucking world, those countries wouldn't have so much too worry about.
Well. maybe if the USA didn't stick it's fucking nose in most every country's business in the fucking world, those countries wouldn't have so much to worry about.

lol Jim! When you get that error message it actually does post your message.