How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

Farmer J BCNL

Well-Known Member
I need the larger amount so I can grow SOG (49 plants per light) and not have to be forced to grow monster plants that take 2x the time to harvest. Not my problem HC decided to tie grams to plant count.
Are you just growing 12/12 from seed or just very little veg time?


Well-Known Member
I called to get info on my registration and the lady says that their computers are down and they can't open up anybody's specific file and to call back. I wonder if this is a standard answer now?


Well-Known Member
Wow how much is script for if you don't mind me asking?
Its was $2000 before but fuck I couldn't find a doc to sign and my previous docs office snarked when I asked if the doc was doing renewals/signs for ACMPR, same doc that signed for MMAR. I'm gonna try my family doc but I saw Tilray pamphlets at his office.


Well-Known Member
Cool, they are cut and rooted on 12/12 also?
What are the average/high/low yields?
what type of lights for veg/flower are you using?
What growing medium?
Rooted clones, 1-2 gal pots. 1 gal is a bit much work as you pretty much have to water every day. Promix/coco 50/50 mix. Straight HPS.


Well-Known Member
Wife's address change came in, 3 months. Mine is same time same thing but didn't come in. Decided to call and got the same computer down call later. Call at 535pm, on hold til about 558pm and it hangs back and get an automated "we are currently closed" fucking weasels.


Well-Known Member
Sick people shouldn't have to beg to get their prescription filled.

Anyways what happens when their computers go down and the "No-Knock-Raids" happen to you?

(Toronto Artist)

I'm sure our information is safe with Health Canada though ;) Surely. Of course?

Farmer J BCNL

Well-Known Member
Rooted clones, 1-2 gal pots. 1 gal is a bit much work as you pretty much have to water every day. Promix/coco 50/50 mix. Straight HPS.
I kinda like hand watering, next grow I might do it again. It's relaxing.
Do you have any pics of a 12/12 fr.clone diesel plant(s)? I'd like to see what they look like at the start of flowering and just before harvest. How long is the cycle? Do you take clones from clones on 12/12 or do you have a mother plant on a veg cycle? I'm interested in what you are doing seems that the turn around time would be quick if done perpetual.


Well-Known Member
I kinda like hand watering, next grow I might do it again. It's relaxing.
Do you have any pics of a 12/12 fr.clone diesel plant(s)? I'd like to see what they look like at the start of flowering and just before harvest. How long is the cycle? Do you take clones from clones on 12/12 or do you have a mother plant on a veg cycle? I'm interested in what you are doing seems that the turn around time would be quick if done perpetual.
This is old and my current set up is bigger plants but I got a dg doing it and just take my allowed #s from the crop. if I get my landlord to go with it I'll just be doing 3 lights with 49 under each light like in the image. I'll have to see what photos I can dig out





Well-Known Member
that is unreal dude....
The system is pretty fucked, now I'm able bodied and can afford that but wtf is someone who is on a fixed income and really messed up suppose to do. You get fucked by the doctors that cash in on signing, you get fucked by the dispensaries selling weed for $15 per gram when LB's are $1000 on the street, you get fucked by LP and by HC which spend more money on processing LP's for the rec market than most of use make in a life time.