You know what really pisses me off?
It's that the MINORITY of citizens that voted got that guy who was elected, and then they got the balls to say Trump speaks for America.
No, he doesn't, all he speaks for is a group with the lowest educational achievements, low job skills, lowest IQ's and basically the dumbest people in the USA, that voted in droves, while the Sanders supporters sat on their asses and cried.
That is pretty much is true, sorry to say it.
But, there is still hope, in the sense that 60% of the population have no faith in Trump, so maybe when this Russian thing get's finished, and it is PROVEN, finally, that Russia interfered in our election, maybe that would be a reason for a NEW election?
Heh, what the fuck?
The majority (60%) think he is a dick, the Russians definitly had an incestiouse relationship with him, that definitly affected the outcome of the campaign.
I call for a new election, or impeachment at the least.
This bullshit is far too serious to ignore for 4 fucking years.
Oh, that's right, the Congress is controlled by the GOP, those same guy's that hated Trump when he was running, that now all line up to kiss his ass.
What do we do now?