you must pay taxes because your employer can't handle rulez so the gubermint makes them do 'things' like provide for when all you're used up and can't work.
in the past, means of production had pensions etc until they started stealing from it's workers. they were left with nothing to retire on after years of hard work.
people used to stay at their jobs and retire from.
Try looking up history of how SS/Medicare, SUI/FUI and 401k's came to'll be surprised since you don't know: employers THIEVING it's employees. The US Government had to step in and protect us. You may wish to check out other 'entitlements' and their history..they all stem from the same thing: rightie exploitation.
It was still happening at Kushy Fortune 500..this CPA was one of my regular referrers:
next time you pay your taxes, I want to see a smile on your face knowing the US government has your back so you're not left penniless and homeless.