Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Kkso with ratios im guessing about half a cup to a cup per 30 liters i just thought itd be quicker and easier to add em all to the worm bin i added like half a kilo once the hemp seed was hulled not malted say or afuments sake i wanted to our u wanten to make up 180 liter batch mat ud ad ill be using canna terra or what i can find at bunimgs that has nothing synthetic in it and airation n sutch ill probly just stick 2 using the rock dust in the vermi hut so it has a chance brak down a bit buy the time its in the tumbler and cooks it wasent uncommen to find the hemp seeds i added to the worm bin to sprout in there so like i dont no im more after minirals n stuff to but with thos u mentiont what ratios would u add im going for a 180 liters what do u recomend


Well-Known Member
idk i could probly ask my mum to get one from work shes a nurse im just paranoid thayl think im shooting up lol besides if the soil is really that dood then i shouldent need it but idk shit maybe ill just stick 2 using rhizo


Well-Known Member
I dont understand u mean bears attack??

Australia sized spiders is my worst nightmare

I used to have a pet bird eating spider with a leg span of roughly 20cm and 3 crickets that were supposed to be food killed it so I wouldn't be to worried


Well-Known Member
Neatly posted a a dehumanized shirt and fuck blood duster I havnt heard that name for a while
I went to Canberra for metal for the brain when I was 14 that was the first time I heard them and the were epic them and Damaged the drummer Matt Skitz plays the best double kick Ive ever heard


Well-Known Member
thats pretty cool i wonder if u can get diffrent par lights for it like closer 2 red only and closer to blue only our more of a fuller specttrum but say more blue or deep red i t would be cool 2 se one with all diff specs


Well-Known Member
thats pretty cool i wonder if u can get diffrent par lights for it like closer 2 red only and closer to blue only our more of a fuller specttrum but say more blue or deep red i t would be cool 2 se one with all diff specs
They make all different tubes aquarium guys developed most of them

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
thats pretty cool i wonder if u can get diffrent par lights for it like closer 2 red only and closer to blue only our more of a fuller specttrum but say more blue or deep red i t would be cool 2 se one with all diff specs
2700k and 6500k for T5s I think
You can tell difference easy veg spectrum is more white light the flowering is more intense and looks yellow like the sun