Sen. McCain set to screw Trump, again

That would be a lot different than government-run Healthcare. Now you're starting to think a little straighter.
Why don't you really look at the facts. The insurance and pharmaceutical companies are putting to us.

Fact is the countries with universal healthcare score higher in all aspects like quality of care. Except one. Cost.

We pay more for insurance here and get less.
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Why don't you really look at the facts. The insurance and pharmaceutical companies are putting to us.

Fact is the countries with universal healthcare score higher in all aspects like quality of care. Except one. Cost.

We pay more for insurance here and get less.
If that is the case why are Canadians so eager to run over here with money in hand for their health care?
The government has to protect us ahaha you are hilarious.. the government's stoled all your supposed Social Security you dumbass. My goodness please educate yourself before you spew and ignorant statement like that.
Says "stoled"...tells other people to educate themselves...
Over 85% of Canadians are very happy with their health service;

That sure doesn't sound like they're lining up at the border for access to ours.

In fact, Americans go to 'prescription tours' TO Canada, to get their medications for lower prices.

You shouldn't believe everything your right wing minders tell you.
Over 85% of Canadians are very happy with their health service;

That sure doesn't sound like they're lining up at the border for access to ours.

In fact, Americans go to 'prescription tours' TO Canada, to get their medications for lower prices.

You shouldn't believe everything your right wing minders tell you.
I'm not left right or middle. I'm not obsessed with Fox News or CNN. I think for myself. I would encourage everybody to quit being manipulated by the media and the government and start thinking for yourselves. You are all being completely suckered. Take the blindfold off friends.
I'm not left right or middle. I'm not obsessed with Fox News or CNN. I think for myself. I would encourage everybody to quit being manipulated by the media and the government and start thinking for yourselves. You are all being completely suckered. Take the blindfold off friends.

And try to be more specific than this.

We do. Otherwise whatever you say is unsubstantiated opinion.