Trump unites NFL - against him.


Well-Known Member
Lol! You're so butt hurt.

So let's say that you were really good at something (I know, crazy talk, but entertain the idea for the sake of the conversation) and that required you to move to a country that didn't have universal healthcare to pursue it. In doing so you'd make $500,000 a year, instead of a fraction of that if you stayed put. Call it 50k. In addition to the $500k, you'd have employer provided healthcare coverage at no cost to you.

You'd turn down the 500k (and free healthcare), and stay put making 50k with universal healthcare? lol

Jesus you're dumb. It pains me to admit that there are liberals like you in this country that make Trump voters look like Mensa members.

I sure hope your daughters have the same opportunity.

And to answer your question, no, I'm not for sale. I would've stayed in Canada with my family.


Well-Known Member
So you live next door to your mom? In her basement? A few hours on an airplane isn't so bad. Spending every summer back home was nice too. But hey, if you haven't been able to cut the cord as a grown man I won't judge you.
Sure, dude..

And let's not mention what you did to your body, sad.

I will say , you had good reason to be worried Hillary was a sell out, I mean being one yourself and all.


Well-Known Member
Again I wasn't talking about health care. I think everyone should have healthcare. I'm more talking about the centralization of power. Big Government.
Yeah, like those gub'mint fuckheads that tried to force manufacturers to make "eclipse glasses" a certain way. Think of the profits that they eliminated! They stole muh taxes! I could have retired at 50 like most other goal-oriented people but now I can't.

Don't forget that you said they should have basic live-saving healthcare. Just enough to keep them alive, right?


Well-Known Member
I sure hope it was worth it.

What else would you do for the right price?
So all of these NFL players taking a knee right now are sellouts?

You live in California. Are you telling me that if you got a job offer in Minnesota for a million dollars a year, you'd turn it down so that you wouldn't have to leave mommy?

Dude, I have no words for how pathetic you sound right now. I'm embarrassed for you.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, like those gub'mint fuckheads that tried to force manufacturers to make "eclipse glasses" a certain way. Think of the profits that they eliminated! They stole muh taxes! I could have retired at 50 like most other goal-oriented people but now I can't.

Don't forget that you said they should have basic live-saving healthcare. Just enough to keep them alive, right?
Right. I shouldn't be forced to pay for your nose job.


Well-Known Member
So all of these NFL players taking a knee right now are sellouts?

You live in California. Are you telling me that if you got a job offer in Minnesota for a million dollars a year, you'd turn it down so that you wouldn't have to leave mommy?

Dude, I have no words for how pathetic you sound right now. I'm embarrassed for you.
I don't need that much money, and I definitely wouldn't sell my body like two bit whore to get it. @ttystikk are you catching all of this?

Sorry I bruised your ego, Bl0wavote.


Well-Known Member
I don't need that much money, and I definitely wouldn't sell my body like two bit whore to get it. @ttystikk are you catching all of this?

Sorry I bruised your ego, Bl0wavote.
You didn't answer either question.

Are you calling every NFL player a sellout?

Would you move out of state if you were offered a job (that you loved) for a million dollars a year?

Was Barack Obama a sellout for moving to D.C., leaving his poor mom behind?

What about soldiers that are stationed half way across the country. Are they sellouts too?


Well-Known Member
You didn't answer either question.

Are you calling every NFL player a sellout?

Would you move out of state if you were offered a job (that you loved) for a million dollars a year?

Was Barack Obama a sellout for moving to D.C., leaving his poor mom behind?

What about soldiers that are stationed half way across the country. Are they sellouts too?

Total false equivalencies, but like I said, sorry about your ego.


Well-Known Member
That's what I thought. You wont answer those questions in order save face. lol

I'll stop now. I feel like I'm picking on the Down's syndrome kid. What a drubbing.

Lol, sorry still laughing about you comparing being elected president to playing in the NHL.


Well-Known Member

Check the facts and get back with us.

Also the fact that the Clintons pushed the 3 strikes laws as well as took plenty of campaign donations from the private prison system. ( Imprisioning people for profit).

Also look up Margaret Sanger..... Peach of a person.

BTW I don't like establishment Republicans (Cronny Capatalists) or establishment Democrats (mainly progressive now)

Also I don't believe in the 2 party system. The very idea that either side of 2 choices can fundamentally agree with even 50% of my opinion is obsurd. I don't agree with either side of this polarized system. I don't disagree that certain things like Health Care need major reform. I personally would like to see basic life saving health care for all. I also want to see the abolition of the IRS. I'm for a flat sales tax. Imagine the human resources that could be saved throughout society if you business and government didn't have to worry about your business (how much money you make ect). Red tape is a big burden in this country.
Flat tax is very regressive, that is, the poor are hit by it much harder than the rich.

It could work if there were enough deductions for them, especially if those deductions are capped so that they don't end up benefitting the rich even more.


Well-Known Member
That's what I thought. You wont answer those questions in order save face. lol

I'll stop now. I feel like I'm picking on the Down's syndrome kid. What a drubbing.

Sorry, I'm better now.

I thought I told you? I'm happy already. I dont need that much money. I'm kind of bohemian like that.