The Russian-led radicalization of the weak minded.


Well-Known Member
This is a concept thread. The thousands of Russian created facebook ads and memes are set to be released and, if I make the time, I plan on doing a little bit of RIUhistorian work and seeing which among us were led by the nose by Vlad Putin during the election. Yes, I am thinking of you @Flaming Pie. So get ready with your brilliant retorts like "triggered" and "cool story bro". I expect to find a lot of matches.

Seriously, you won this round Vlad, but the Germans won Pearl Harbor too. We know how that worked out.


Well-Known Member
What do you blacks have to lose?
I am really looking forward to the ones Russia created for the left. Right now the right is pushing this...

Yes, the Russians bought ads "for" Hillary and BLM and homosexual rights groups - but those ads portray them as radicals and sickos. Pie shaped her whole worldview on that crap. Pizzagate was one of Russia's best plays - they played her like the imbecilic, racist fish that she is.


Well-Known Member
Dear Unclebaldrick
We the entire land once called USSR are still scratching our heads over these outlandish claims by your current govt.

is a great idea for the next tom cruise movie maybe IMF6...?

Besides /germany has just had an election, would that not be a prime target

but wait less than a year ago a ?NSA bug was found on Merkals phone..?

and indeed you homeland guys did catch one or 2 ru. acned teens fiddling some site

obviously we are not tuned to the same NEWS STATION


Well-Known Member
Dear Unclebaldrick
We the entire land once called USSR are still scratching our heads over these outlandish claims by your current govt.

is a great idea for the next tom cruise movie maybe IMF6...?

Besides /germany has just had an election, would that not be a prime target

but wait less than a year ago a ?NSA bug was found on Merkals phone..?

and indeed you homeland guys did catch one or 2 ru. acned teens fiddling some site

obviously we are not tuned to the same NEWS STATION
Yep, we ignore the state propaganda you live on.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Dear Mr. Vostok,

Thank you for your misdirection, but we would like to remind you that you are no longer the country formerly known as the USSR. We won that one. We played dirty and didn't get caught. Our victory was complete and devastating. It wasn't a republican or democratic victory, it was an American victory.

We will get to the bottom of your shenanigans. We aren't unhappy with the balance of power.

Sorry you are. ;)



PS we will gladly share a peace pipe of your favorite flower along with your choice of vodka. Our treat.
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Well-Known Member
Everything looks locked? I can't get the clips to open.
Sorry, my guess is they have an agreement with other Corporations that require they get "their cut" (while it's being aired).

It simply asked me to choose my internet (freedom, information) provider, they played without issue.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
You and Shuylaar were posting Russia created anti Clinton propaganda here last year
And that was one of the reasons it worked so well. They managed to create hate between two factions that should have been allies. There was real animosity on the side of the bots. And it wasn't hard to fan the flames. It also wasn't hard to turn the black vote off, not that a lot of the the new obama voters would ever vote for a white candidate to begin with.

Then a surge in the white nationalist vote, and the deal was done. No candidate, and I don't care who they were, could overcome a coordinated effort between the right wing wurlitzer (news and fake news), illegal actions of the Trump campaign, GOP , senate, house, fbi, fsb, wikileaks, and svr. Sure, campaigns are tough in any cycle, but the coordination and illegal assistance provided in this one was unprecedented.

And many progressives are directly responsible for the resultant trump regime and the decimation of progressive pillars of government. And from the sound of it, they are happy.

But the result is that Bernie is poison. He will never win an election. Too many hold him and his supporters responsible. So naturally russias money will back him until he wins the primary, then he will be destroyed. We need a different candidate in 2020. Lots of good progressives, of which bernie isn't anyway.