Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I do get keen as fuck about the exo cheese It’s a well known legend search Luton cheese google it’s story is very interesting.
Whats with the gang up on jimmy shit oz loco I didn’t Evan speak to you other night. Let’s have it straight we’re all on here anonymous and you wanna start some keyboard wars I came back to this thread to apologise for being slightly outspoken to a couple your mates when I was drunk other night I wasn’t Evan that bad but I still came and apologised for upsetting the regulars because that wasn’t my intention.
I don’t know how to use this internet stuff anyway and I shouldn’t be on Australian thread, you won’t hear another peep out of me after this if that’s what you want that’s kl but do yourself a favour go do a couple of years of boxing MMA or judo or whatever tickles your fancy it will help you stop acting like a little pussy boy starting keyboard wars with people thousands of miles away, it ain’t big for a little pussycat to do what your trying to do it’s just your little pussy claws getting carried away ,go and train for a couple of years I guarantee you won’t be found on here anymore giving it to people trying to get more likes for your imaginary online record.I can’t believe how lost some of you are getting all happy about telling off some guy on the internet I feel sorry for your kids, what role model have they got some half man keyboard warrior as a there dad! who’s going to teach them How to deal with all the little pussy cats in real life you can’t type your way out of that shit it’s human nature and it’s the same worldwide
You are a bully in real life where you can get away with it and you ain’t loco at all,I can see that straight away how your jumping in your the type to kick a guy in the head after your mate knocks them out and then try get happy about it, i know your type. I won’t reply to any of the messages you try send me I’m going to the uk threads where I belong like your mates suggested just try do some boxing you will not regret it good luck pussy cat x
lol dude u where drunk and had this coming im not saying shit for oz cocoloco he man enough to stick up for himself but ye word of advice bro if u consider thos events that transpired i mean itd be the same if one of us came in the uk thread lol and was drunk and being a nobhead wed probly cop it worse lol


Well-Known Member
you jonesies must be able to grow year round with your temperatures hahaha. bar the extremities of how hot it can get and daylight hours ofc.

how do you guys combat the extreme heat waves?
airconditioning bro its this new thing bro idk athor than that we dont we just try not to melt


Well-Known Member
you jonesies must be able to grow year round with your temperatures hahaha. bar the extremities of how hot it can get and daylight hours ofc.

how do you guys combat the extreme heat waves?
lol im i missing somthing i dont no shit about outdoor is it even possable lol i can veg it in qld and flower it in another part of the country i cant be fucked thinking of right now


Active Member
lol im i missing somthing i dont no shit about outdoor is it even possable lol i can veg it in qld and flower it in another part of the country i cant be fucked thinking of right now
ahh I see, yeah I can struggle mid summer out doors and im in the south island of nz. couple days of a light nor west wind blowing heat direct from you guys can do alot of damage if your not there to treat it. always envied how you guys still get the job done considering the environment. and poisnous shit likely to be everywhere haha


Well-Known Member
you jonesies must be able to grow year round with your temperatures hahaha. bar the extremities of how hot it can get and daylight hours ofc.

how do you guys combat the extreme heat waves?
Just give them lots of water. Sativa's love the Aussie heat. You can grow all year round from top Australia down the east coast to mid NSW. But winter needs greenhouses to survive the cold.


Well-Known Member
ahh I see, yeah I can struggle mid summer out doors and im in the south island of nz. couple days of a light nor west wind blowing heat direct from you guys can do alot of damage if your not there to treat it. always envied how you guys still get the job done considering the environment. and poisnous shit likely to be everywhere haha
Snakes and spiders and scorpians. Ticks ,haha I'm breeding that gorilla bomb x gth1 with auto ultimate to make it flower a week less. What strains are you growing over there ?


Well-Known Member
thats a pretty nice looking plant man wonder lol if u can flower a sativa any where in aus im confadent i can throw mine outside lol fucken hell i cant wait 2 c some bud shots of that man
Cheers. Should be another 6 weeks till harvest .it outgrew the 10 litre bucket so I cut the bottom out of it and stuck it in a 20 litre bag full of potting mix. If your growing indoors and the light hours are more then inside then they will flower when you put them outdoors.


Well-Known Member
I do get keen as fuck about the exo cheese It’s a well known legend search Luton cheese google it’s story is very interesting.
Whats with the gang up on jimmy shit oz loco I didn’t Evan speak to you other night. Let’s have it straight we’re all on here anonymous and you wanna start some keyboard wars I came back to this thread to apologise for being slightly outspoken to a couple your mates when I was drunk other night I wasn’t Evan that bad but I still came and apologised for upsetting the regulars because that wasn’t my intention.
I don’t know how to use this internet stuff anyway and I shouldn’t be on Australian thread, you won’t hear another peep out of me after this if that’s what you want that’s kl but do yourself a favour go do a couple of years of boxing MMA or judo or whatever tickles your fancy it will help you stop acting like a little pussy boy starting keyboard wars with people thousands of miles away, it ain’t big for a little pussycat to do what your trying to do it’s just your little pussy claws getting carried away ,go and train for a couple of years I guarantee you won’t be found on here anymore giving it to people trying to get more likes for your imaginary online record.I can’t believe how lost some of you are getting all happy about telling off some guy on the internet I feel sorry for your kids, what role model have they got some half man keyboard warrior as a there dad! who’s going to teach them How to deal with all the little pussy cats in real life you can’t type your way out of that shit it’s human nature and it’s the same worldwide
You are a bully in real life where you can get away with it and you ain’t loco at all,I can see that straight away how your jumping in your the type to kick a guy in the head after your mate knocks them out and then try get happy about it, i know your type. I won’t reply to any of the messages you try send me I’m going to the uk threads where I belong like your mates suggested just try do some boxing you will not regret it good luck pussy cat x
Feel better now lol
Bye bye jimmy

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
ahh I see, yeah I can struggle mid summer out doors and im in the south island of nz. couple days of a light nor west wind blowing heat direct from you guys can do alot of damage if your not there to treat it. always envied how you guys still get the job done considering the environment. and poisnous shit likely to be everywhere haha
heats not to bad as long as they have water.


Well-Known Member
Cheers. Should be another 6 weeks till harvest .it outgrew the 10 litre bucket so I cut the bottom out of it and stuck it in a 20 litre bag full of potting mix. If your growing indoors and the light hours are more then inside then they will flower when you put them outdoors.
lol i prob should of said that there inside under 24 0 atm wow 10 liters and it was that big shit mine never grew that tall but then again im using what is considered 2 be shit viperspectra allthough im pretty happy with it lol u cant beat the sun fuck im jelous of u cunts having an out door fuck id love 2 veg one in the tent till it is grown a good few foot tall than plant it lol fuck even when it is legalized i live near a whole subberb of housos fuck thered be rippers galore fuck em ill beat em like coco beat that mouse thatt ll fuck em


Well-Known Member
fuck im confused if synthetics arnt going to kill the microlife when used right like i was looking at bunnings thay seem 2 have this shit thats synthetic like wtf are those people on about allways saying never buy soil with slow release ferts like if i wanted to never feed a plant a soil that feeds for 6 months sounds like it would


Well-Known Member
I think I missed the whole thing. Did Jimmy get lippy and cop the full force of Ozzy dingo pack loyalty?
na u dident really miss mutch fuck him tbh yall can do what use want my minds made up i dont like this cunt wev all had too mutch to drink n shit but i dident like how he tried 2 say sorry but then gave some one shit who gave him shit for being a dick head i better not say more woukdent want to piss that bloke off did u know he boxed bro fuck that lol


Well-Known Member
seing as i may only have five gallons of soil should i do another auto straigh in it or jiffy in a solo of a photoperiod then up pot what would u guys do