Kindred ;
As the division between the elite 1% wealthiest and the other 99% continue to grow at its fastest rates, much of Americas citizenry labor away on minimum or close to minimum wages
Half of ALL Americans made LESS THAN $50,000 last year. Yet, five of the 10 largest private employers in the US saw salary increases to its Executives. Largest of them being Wal-Mart. Not just the largest private employer but they also rewarded themselves with the largest raise to its Executives, all while just barely managing to get all minimum wage employee's up to $10 an hr.
One can't help but realize, and feel that it is being left to multi-BILLION dollar corporations to say they can't afford to provide better wages. Let's take a closer look at Wal-Mart for example.
As of 2016:
Wal-mart employee's 1.5M Americans (2.2 M Worldwide)
2016 Revenues : 482.1 BILLION
2016 Operating Cost : 7.2 Billion
2016 Dividends : 1.6 Billion
2016 Net CASH PROFIT ( After taxes) : STILL IN THE BILLIONS....Hundreds of BILLIONS
Yet, the average salary for American Walmart employee's......roughly 18,000
So, how does any corporation that makes MILLIONS, and even BILLIONS, of dollars in PROFIT, justify keeping it all, and not distributing wealth? Did the 1.5M Americans literally not facilitate your wealth...for you Walton Family?? Or any other Corporate scum.
Imagine if you can, that one day, 1.5 Million American Wal-Mart employee's came marching to the very front door, or Mr. Walton's Mansion. I can only imagine , and only then, would he be inclined to not be a slave owner painted as a "CEO" . They hind behind these titles. Its accountability. They need to be held to the same degree as every other human.
This is legal, "corporate" slavery. Instead of chasing cotton for some rich fuck, we chase worthless dollars. If we Americans started working like we get paid, ....a little bit each week....perhaps things would change, quickly.
They say be the change you wish to see
As the division between the elite 1% wealthiest and the other 99% continue to grow at its fastest rates, much of Americas citizenry labor away on minimum or close to minimum wages
Half of ALL Americans made LESS THAN $50,000 last year. Yet, five of the 10 largest private employers in the US saw salary increases to its Executives. Largest of them being Wal-Mart. Not just the largest private employer but they also rewarded themselves with the largest raise to its Executives, all while just barely managing to get all minimum wage employee's up to $10 an hr.
One can't help but realize, and feel that it is being left to multi-BILLION dollar corporations to say they can't afford to provide better wages. Let's take a closer look at Wal-Mart for example.
As of 2016:
Wal-mart employee's 1.5M Americans (2.2 M Worldwide)
2016 Revenues : 482.1 BILLION
2016 Operating Cost : 7.2 Billion
2016 Dividends : 1.6 Billion
2016 Net CASH PROFIT ( After taxes) : STILL IN THE BILLIONS....Hundreds of BILLIONS
Yet, the average salary for American Walmart employee's......roughly 18,000
So, how does any corporation that makes MILLIONS, and even BILLIONS, of dollars in PROFIT, justify keeping it all, and not distributing wealth? Did the 1.5M Americans literally not facilitate your wealth...for you Walton Family?? Or any other Corporate scum.
Imagine if you can, that one day, 1.5 Million American Wal-Mart employee's came marching to the very front door, or Mr. Walton's Mansion. I can only imagine , and only then, would he be inclined to not be a slave owner painted as a "CEO" . They hind behind these titles. Its accountability. They need to be held to the same degree as every other human.
This is legal, "corporate" slavery. Instead of chasing cotton for some rich fuck, we chase worthless dollars. If we Americans started working like we get paid, ....a little bit each week....perhaps things would change, quickly.
They say be the change you wish to see