Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Yeah strange, i read somewhere some people purposely do it to get massive plants but i guess it doesnt work too well and a bit unpredictable
I’ve seen guys doing monster cropping where they take a clone from a flowering plant and re veg that but it’s an indoor technique and takes a fair bit longer to do than a normal clone I’ve never seen it done outdoor but somebody may have worked it out


Well-Known Member
If it re shoots it’s a bonus then :) my good ones are only 20 days old and I wouldn’t want to be any later but I’m not overly concerned as long as there isn’t any major setbacks I’m still aiming for 3/4 of a pound from each as long as they hit the big bags in another 3-4 weeks so you should be able to hit 4 oz still no worries
Yeah sweet im not too worried about yeild cause its my first time growing but the more the better


Well-Known Member
I’ve seen guys doing monster cropping where they take a clone from a flowering plant and re veg that but it’s an indoor technique and takes a fair bit longer to do than a normal clone I’ve never seen it done outdoor but somebody may have worked it out
My clone is essentially grown that way. Took the cut part way through flower. Put it outside. It flowered for a bit. Then revegged.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Yeah of course lol. My mans no different lol. Our son ran me off my feet yday til 4pm when daddy dropped him at grand parents for the night. When he got back from taking him I was chilling finally looking at my plants and he asked me what I was doing so I said "inspecting the stems I just pulled a huge scale insect off", to which he replies "I gotta stem here that needs inspecting too!"Lol! I turn around and he's already dropped his drawers!! The only thing I could do is laugh!! A+ for trying hahaha
Ahh but it was that funny it worked I betcha !

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
It’s a 50/50 I like to keep my options open,I fucked up last year by not making a call and hoping they would reveg and it cost me about 3 pound because I didn’t bite the bullet. It’s really a call you can only make yourself just depends on how much of a gamble it is to you if it doesn’t want to reshoot
If ur in it for $prob start a new one if ur in it for yourself wont hurt to keep it