Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Just seems like you are trying to rush or you aren’t planning things out or something,you seem more interested in microbes and terps than the plant itself,just try and take a bit more time and care when you do stuff like potting up and watering your putting a lot of time and resources into these plants so a little bit more care when doing things will help them and yourself out.
I agree man. @giglewigle .just treat it like an ordinary plant. You could literally put a seedling into your yard in any old soil and will make it to harvest. It's fine to want the best quality shit and lushes plants but you need to walk before you can run. I'm still walkin but I'm getting better with every grow. Coco ,lukey and rubes and all the boys didn't read a few articles on the net and become instant cultivator pros.. It's because there all old cunts and have been growing before we were born haha


Well-Known Member
I agree man. @giglewigle .just treat it like an ordinary plant. You could literally put a seedling into your yard in any old soil and will make it to harvest. It's fine to want the best quality shit and lushes plants but you need to walk before you can run. I'm still walkin but I'm getting better with every grow. Coco ,lukey and rubes and all the boys didn't read a few articles on the net and become instant cultivator pros.. It's because there all old cunts and have been growing before we were born haha
We all go about it in different ways but we all follow the same basic rules healthy plants =healthy yields that's the equation don't matter how you do it as long as you do it


Well-Known Member
I agree man. @giglewigle .just treat it like an ordinary plant. You could literally put a seedling into your yard in any old soil and will make it to harvest. It's fine to want the best quality shit and lushes plants but you need to walk before you can run. I'm still walkin but I'm getting better with every grow. Coco ,lukey and rubes and all the boys didn't read a few articles on the net and become instant cultivator pros.. It's because there all old cunts and have been growing before we were born haha
Hey ease up with the old cunts call I’m not that old I’ll cop the the cunt though lol


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Wondering if anyone know why some of my plants leaves are doing this, it’s in coco and I feed them the red power feed as I do with my other plants, this is the only one doing this,??
Try Epsom salts at about a teaspoon per 8L of nutrients every 2nd days for a week or so looks like mag deficiency pretty common in coco if you aren’t feeding proper coco nutes


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Wondering if anyone know why some of my plants leaves are doing this, it’s in coco and I feed them the red power feed as I do with my other plants, this is the only one doing this,??
You can’t treat a plant in coco the same as you treat one in soil,save the power feed for soil and get a coco A+B nutrient