I blame MADD Canada for a lot of this madness. This organization is no longer a charity and now borders on some kind of criminalization advocacy group IMO. People don't drink and drive anymore so they need a new cause celebre. Fuck them and their mothers.
Yup madd is outta control. they wield WAY TOO much power and influence. They lie and blow up statistics in their favor. They ride the misery of others tragedies and pull huge salaries in the upper level. Exploiting tragedies and sad stories in their own way and profiting from it. As a group they are on my top 5 despised gangs list. They are basically prohibitionist. Now that they have ruined life as we knew it in Canada they've become cannabis experts. They are the lowest buncha church goers you'll ever meet. I spotted them and their lying tactics years ago.
They have far too much rope and no one questions a thing they say anymore if ever.
"Think about words or phrases that make your blood boil. "Communist" has lost its magic, but how about "drunk driver"! Twenty-five years and hundreds of millions of dollars spent by our government, MADD and other anti-alcohol groups has rendered us unable to view every drunk driver as anyone other than a vile, child killer. Read any MADD press release. There is always a reference to a specific family member killed and the continued grieving of the mother or father. And with deliberate motivation the killer “drunk” driver morphs into any and all “drinking” drivers, who we are told are just as dangerous; statistics be damned. You can't help but feel sympathy and yearn for justice and/or revenge, but against whom?
This social conditioning is similar to Pavlov's experiments with his dog. Ring the bell, offer Fido some food and watch him salivate. After a while, just the ringing of the bell causes the dog to salivate. Sound the alarm, mention a dead child and watch the public demand tougher laws against all
If he is a killer he should be severely punished, and today's laws ensure that he will be, unless he's a politician or policeman.Why is the same hatred not expressed toward a speeder or red light runner who kills someone? Because we have not
yet been conditioned to hate these killers. Our laws even mandate lesser punishment if alcohol is
not involved.
What happens when the thought control groups reach their goal that it's not drunk drivers but all drinking drivers that are the scum of the earth? It used to be "Don't let friends drive drunk." Now it's "You drink, You drive, You lose." What does
that mean? Is it illegal to drive after drinking? If you have a beer and get behind the wheel are you, in MADD's words, the same as a "drive-by shooter?" Say it on TV for 25 years and, the public subliminally gets the message. "It must be true, why would they lie?"
MADD is determined to convince us that Prohibition was a good thing, it was just done the wrong way. They are doing it through hysterical unverifiable claims that tens of thousands of innocent people are killed by drunk drivers each year. They are doing it by exploiting and highly publicizing only those tragedies that involve alcohol. They are doing it through media coverage that loves the sensational story and never checks the source or the verifiably phony statistics.
And once we are all conditioned to their alarm bell, there will no longer even be a need for them to feed us their lies.."