Perlite is the reason why people who never grow anything (not just cannabis) usually have shit plants - when they miss it out.
I usually add enough that the soil will 'free flow' out of my hands rather than dropping as lumps, and I sift it between my fingers to get any lumps broken up.
I don't pack it down during planting and I try to avoid watering where you spray (hose) or pour water over the soil from above. The weight of the water and squishyness of the soil allows it to compact down.
Compacted soil is a fk'ing knightmare. It means waterlogging, poor root penetration and poor gas exchange.
I've used vermiculite before but don't like it as much as perlite - I don't think vermiculite holds up the structure as well. It's good for mushroom media, but there you're using so little water that the substrate is almost dry. Growing mushrooms is a good example where you can see the 'root penetration'. If the media is squashed down a little too much, the mycelium will take forever to get through it. Light and fluffy and it'll rip through.
Try to do it outside if you're doing 50l of soil+, there's a lot of dust in the perlite bags and it'll hang around for a while in the air. Your body can't break it down so you don't really want loads of it in your lungs.
I guess you'd probably want somewhere between a 1/5th and 1/3rd perlite? It depends on the structure of the soil it's going into and I always do it by eye.