Palestinians are deny themselves rights? I am pretty sure they voiced a collective opinion when the Zionist state of Israel was created, by the UN. The UN, along with the rest of the Non-Muslim world, think that Jews are God's homeboys and deserve the holy land cause its in the Torah. Yet, Historically, Jews have spent more time being exiled out of the Holy land, then they have actually occupying they do now, with a Jewish "State".
Americans especially so like to paint Jews as victims. And to some large extent they are. But in the context of them occupying the Holy Land....they are terrorist. No different the the "terrorist" they claim that seeks to rid them again.
I am a Jew by birth. I am a non-practicing Jew. My grandmother and grandfather were both killed by the Nazi's.
Dorothy Steinsman
Fredrick Steinsman
If the ethnic groups were to trade sides, Israel would be doing worse things. Just ask the victim states of the "6 day war", really a preemptive strike against 6 other countries. Oh, and they deployed suicide bombers...but no biggie, they are just Jews. Israel is no angel and nor are Jews.
Arguably so, the Gaza and west bank are the largest prisons on this planet. Created and enforced by.....Israel. If Palestinians were to cram every last Jew into Gaza and West Bank, the picture would be no different. One side crying and playing the victim card, the otherside a terrorist.
So yes I support Jews getting a taste, a reminder of what they have been thru. If Israel was to be a humanitarian state instead of a oppressive state, then perhaps groups like Hamas wouldn't even exist. If Jews can not learn to SHARE and COEXIST then THEY ARE THE TERRORIST. And in my opinion, TERRORIST ....all of them, should be removed from earth.
Lest not we forget that Christians were the first to proclaim an attempt to wipe Jews off the planet. In fact, Christians have killed more Jews in history, than the Nazi's did.
I have lived in Tel Aviv. I suggest you spend a year or so there. I suggest trying to get into West Bank or Gaza.( you will die trying)..see the other side of your ideals...up close, in person. You always hear of Hamas shooting rockets into Israels American made " Iron Dome"...which stops about 95% of incoming missiles...what you will never hear, or see on the what you will see in person....
Gaza and West Bank have no real defense. No Iron Dome. All bombs land here...usually on hospitals ( can you believe they care enough to have hospitals) or SCHOOLS...but hey...Jews are the victims. Go there...I promise you wont hold the same fuxed up views