Doc's Dank Seeds

Well we're going to get the first killing frost tonight, I hope
my outdoor friends get their crops in this week.

We are having our first night in the 50's tonight, down here in NW Florida. Long time til killing frost. Average says late November, but it's been later than that the last few years. {I'm just starting my fall/winter/spring crop. Oldest sprouts a couple weeks}
wait doc now has those guess I am gonna call him and say he bro send me a pack. sure i will pay him as he deserves to be paid for his work. I wont pay retail thou. But doc is one of the people that I have sent money to cause I had it and he needed it and he always does the same for me. Just a great friend. Not many of those around and when you find a great friend you stay that way.
wait doc now has those guess I am gonna call him and say he bro send me a pack. sure i will pay him as he deserves to be paid for his work. I wont pay retail thou. But doc is one of the people that I have sent money to cause I had it and he needed it and he always does the same for me. Just a great friend. Not many of those around and when you find a great friend you stay that way.
I think they are old stock dc, like dude still has them or something froom a long time back