What's The Correct Way Forward For Progressives?

What's The Correct Way Forward For Progressives?

  • Take over the Democratic party from within

  • Start our own party

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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
No one likes any one who attempts loopholes for pedo's. Think about it
That's sort of a fallacious indictment of my stance. I've only ever said people who possess the wherewithal to consent to something, can consent and those who don't, can't. Further when discussing consent, my original intention was to illustrate how most of government relies on a phony kind of consent etc. Think about it.


Well-Known Member
That's sort of a fallacious indictment of my stance. I've only ever said people who possess the wherewithal to consent to something, can consent and those who don't, can't. Further when discussing consent, my original intention was to illustrate how most of government relies on a phony kind of consent etc. Think about it.
Shove your goddamn pathetic double talk up your ass.
