Active Member
Hello I've been looking around the forums for about a week and figured it was time to post my questions all in one place instead of going between threads and looking through some out dated ones. I have to appologize in advance for not having any links (site wouldn't let me because being a new account with no other posts so i had to take them out) and the length of this post but i believe if we can get detailed answers to all these questions this could be an invaluable resource to Canadians looking to create their first DIY COB set up
I got a lot of questions so i'll try to number them as best as possible to allow for easy responses!
1. My first question pertains to Canadian suppliers of everything someone would need to create a DIY COB set up. It seems that in Canada (according the the threads i've read) it is not possible to get all your materials from one place and further more that it is impossible to get extruded passive heat sinks here in Canada (although the latest forums about this i can find were dated 2016 so perhaps there is now?) If answers to this questions could be known suppliers specifying whether they have cobs, holders, reflectors, drivers, wires, and HEATSINKS and the brands they carry that would be wonderful.
2. I have looked into .digikey and the problem i see to them is that i cannot find any meanwell products on their site, nor do they carry ideal cob holders or large etruded heatsinks. This also leads to another problem that I'm having which is that for example: I'm looking on digikey for vero29s.. I search search vero 29 and bam i get this which is 39 results. Which of these should be using? Even im looking at a site for cree cxb 3950s i get more than 1 result and don't know which i should be getting. so my question is that, when i see several results for a cxb3950, which should i be getting?
3. ca.mouser/ seems to be a good place, that although situated in the US, offer free shipping on orders over a certain price and pays the taxes and duties for the stuff coming over the border. They have Meanwell drivers, cree cobs, have ideal holders,
4. canada.newark seems to be the most legit place that i have found so far and the most important reason for that is.... you guessed it, they have heat sinks. I was able to find the hlg meanwell driver, vero 29s, ideal cob holders, reflectors and CML7001-52-10-101(had to remove link) heat sinks. So my question for this is, has anyone used this site as it seems it would pretty much be a 1 stop shop for canadian DIY COBS.
5. This is the question that I think would be not only most helpful to myself but anyone else in Canada looking to do a DIY COB set up.
What would be the best parts i should buy for a set up for a 4x4 tent including cobs, holders, reflectors, drivers, heat sink, wires, with exact brands, models, and links to those things. Preferable on the least amount of sites possible. It seems that Newark would be the ideal place to get it all in one place, but again, looking through the site myself I don't know the exact models of each part i should be getting. I feel someone going through newark with alot of experience with cobs could probably make a list of things to get for a set up from that site alone. My personal budget is $500 ideally(i could budget more if needed) although i dont think an answer should be limited to that budget as other might have a higher budget. I do think that a 4 cob set up would be ideal though for the average person visiting this thread.
6. If you wanna post a link to videos or written guides about putting together the cobs feel free to put em here!
Thank you very much for reading and I'm sorry for making such a long post but I Believe If these questions can be answered fully by someone, Canadians looking to get into DIY COBS will have to look no further than this thread.
I got a lot of questions so i'll try to number them as best as possible to allow for easy responses!

1. My first question pertains to Canadian suppliers of everything someone would need to create a DIY COB set up. It seems that in Canada (according the the threads i've read) it is not possible to get all your materials from one place and further more that it is impossible to get extruded passive heat sinks here in Canada (although the latest forums about this i can find were dated 2016 so perhaps there is now?) If answers to this questions could be known suppliers specifying whether they have cobs, holders, reflectors, drivers, wires, and HEATSINKS and the brands they carry that would be wonderful.
2. I have looked into .digikey and the problem i see to them is that i cannot find any meanwell products on their site, nor do they carry ideal cob holders or large etruded heatsinks. This also leads to another problem that I'm having which is that for example: I'm looking on digikey for vero29s.. I search search vero 29 and bam i get this which is 39 results. Which of these should be using? Even im looking at a site for cree cxb 3950s i get more than 1 result and don't know which i should be getting. so my question is that, when i see several results for a cxb3950, which should i be getting?
3. ca.mouser/ seems to be a good place, that although situated in the US, offer free shipping on orders over a certain price and pays the taxes and duties for the stuff coming over the border. They have Meanwell drivers, cree cobs, have ideal holders,
4. canada.newark seems to be the most legit place that i have found so far and the most important reason for that is.... you guessed it, they have heat sinks. I was able to find the hlg meanwell driver, vero 29s, ideal cob holders, reflectors and CML7001-52-10-101(had to remove link) heat sinks. So my question for this is, has anyone used this site as it seems it would pretty much be a 1 stop shop for canadian DIY COBS.
5. This is the question that I think would be not only most helpful to myself but anyone else in Canada looking to do a DIY COB set up.
What would be the best parts i should buy for a set up for a 4x4 tent including cobs, holders, reflectors, drivers, heat sink, wires, with exact brands, models, and links to those things. Preferable on the least amount of sites possible. It seems that Newark would be the ideal place to get it all in one place, but again, looking through the site myself I don't know the exact models of each part i should be getting. I feel someone going through newark with alot of experience with cobs could probably make a list of things to get for a set up from that site alone. My personal budget is $500 ideally(i could budget more if needed) although i dont think an answer should be limited to that budget as other might have a higher budget. I do think that a 4 cob set up would be ideal though for the average person visiting this thread.
6. If you wanna post a link to videos or written guides about putting together the cobs feel free to put em here!
Thank you very much for reading and I'm sorry for making such a long post but I Believe If these questions can be answered fully by someone, Canadians looking to get into DIY COBS will have to look no further than this thread.