Plant stopped growing at a few weeks old, help please, pics and info


Well-Known Member
Alright so this is a Dame Blanche femenized seed.
I germinated in water (always have success that way) and planted. It's probably about 3-4 week old now, but stopped growing about 2 weeks ago - completely.
No neew nodes, but it gained about half a centimetre in 2 weeks.
It's extremely lanky and the leaves are dying - but you can tell the plant wants to survive, as it's still holding on.
When I don't feed it, it starts dying and bends down to a 90 egree angle (literally), when I do feed it, the leaves brown and shrivel.

Soil: C-I-L (no nutes, mix with perlite)
pH: About 6, give or take .2 (rarely goes above 6)
Nutes: Miracle Gro (24-8-16, switch to plant prod 15-30-15 for flower)
Lighting: 250W MH (switch to 250W HPS for flower)

Any help with this plant would be fantastic as I'd realy like it to live.
Thanks so much in advance and I anxiously await your replies :)



Active Member
IMHO just lay off the nutes a bit and lower your light. It looks like your plant had to stretch. Do you have a fan on? Do you use nutes every time you water? How's the temp. in the room? I'm not sure why this is happening.


Well-Known Member
The only reason I gave it nutes is because it was showing clear signs of death. it would get to the point where the plant would droop so much that the top of it would touch the rim of the pot it's in.

I don't use nutes every watering.. and room is at room temp, about 78 near the plants with a fan.


Well-Known Member
Yes but the nutes are still killing it. Flush the plant with a ton of water, let it run out and flood it again at least 3 complete times or better yet 3 complete soakings where it sits in a container full of water then drains, then make sure your light is close enough.

Do not let it soak up the old water, let it run off.

It looks like the original problem was not enough light and that could only mean your light wasn't close enough.


Well-Known Member
So here's an update guys.

The plant's doing terrible again; I have NO IDEA what's going on. Disappointingly, it didn't seem to be any of your diagnosis (in the plural sense lol)... I stopped feeding it, i flushed it out well, and it STILL did this. It's like it keeps going into a fucking depression lmao.

So I really need some help guys.

Here's a couple of pics of what happened yesterday and it persisting today.

Please help.


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i saved a picture of your salvation attempt. thank you . have you spent any time in the grow faq form? there are tons of info in easy to understand format , are you still in the original pots the seeds were started in? are they getting too dry between watering or too wet? your not giving info so how can anyone give you advice ? people are on these treads all day long who have mountains of knowledge ready to share tell them whats going on in detail , the more detail the better good luck


New Member
So here's an update guys.

The plant's doing terrible again; I have NO IDEA what's going on.
Start over, throw that thing away, its useless at this point, looks like plant cruxifiction. lol.

some very basic rules of success with seedlings-
No nutes whatsoever the first few weeks. i couldnt tell if that was nute burn or high temp burn, either way... when u do feed her nutes, use only 1/4 of the reccomended strength and see how she reacts the first couple days after that. repeat that a few times only giving nutes every other watering and gradually increase to half strength, then full. i didnt feed mine full strength untill like week 6 or 7.

keep ur light close without it being so close it hurts the plant. do the hand test, if ur hand feels uncomfortable where the plant is when the light is shining on it, move it further away till it feels nice and warm but not hot.

water only twice a week with water around ph of 6. if ur unsure how to get ur ph down, there's this stuff u can get at ur local hydro store called.... "PH DOWN" . u have to use only a thimble sized amount with a gallon of water to get the right level. i do it by eye now, never even measure it. with tap water, let it sit 24hrs at least before watering the plants. u want the soil to be almost completley dry before watering again. with seedlings, only put enough water around the plant that covers the lil area thats there. u want those roots to stretch when theyre looking for water.

when and if she starts to stretch, if u have that problem, bury the bottom of the plant up to the bottom set of fan leaves. that will encourage new root growth and stabilize the plant.

good luck. btw what kinda light/nutes/strain do u got there? i had a very successfull first grow with veg, and im more than happy to be of help with any questions you have.


Well-Known Member
Why are you staking and tieing up all your little seedlings? You should not need to do that. If they are all stretching and falling over then you have the light way too far away and need a fan on the seedlings to make their stalks grow stronger.

Try giving that thing more light, no nutes, and don't drown it only water when they're really dry maybe once a week or less at this point.


Well-Known Member

Well the light's definitely not too close. Any closer and the temp skyrockets from 78F to above 90F even with A/C and fan. I had a really successful, incredible first grow, but that was not a feminized seed. Which is making me think perhaps feminized seeds don't start as well or are harder to start. So far that's been the case.

As for hydro stores, there are none around here, the closest equivalent is about 7 hours away by car/train/bus which isn't worth it at all.
As for the sticks and twist ties, there's no pressure on the stems, it's just to hold them upright for the specific reason I made this post in the first place, because they're not doing well at all. I shouldn't have to, but the fact is I do.

Seems like I'll never get a straight answer. Everybody seems to think it's something different. People are saying (in other posts) that it's not enough water, some say it's too close to the light, some say it's too far from the light.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i read in another thread similar to yours a grower after third week stopped growing, the pics showed the organic planter after re potting it allowed the roots to emerge form the pot and new growth started almost right away.those pots need to stay moist before they break down