Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'


Well-Known Member
What line? And who are you or anyone else to determine who gets to exercise their constitutional rights and when?

Your contradictions are exactly what the Framers were protecting us from. Too bad we let our government ignore them.
The framers?

You mean a bunch of rich racists who came over from England to evade taxes?

I'm surprised you like them. You certainly don't like the current rich guys who evade taxes.

Is that YOUR contradiction?


Well-Known Member
So people are free to believe whatever they want when it comes to denying climate change, the implications of which affect everybody on Earth, but not when it comes to law abiding citizens who hold right wing nationalistic/nazi beliefs that affect a fraction of that?

Could you explain that?
Nazi's kill people.

Climate deniers just babble a lot. Anybody with a brain knows they are already discredited.

How's Bernie today? Is he getting any younger? You still pulling for a 79 year old in 2020?


Well-Known Member
Nazi's kill people.
Sure, no doubt they did in WW2. But could you list the American Nazi's who are abiding by free speech laws who have killed people in America?
Everybody gets to speak. Nazi's too.

This is America.

If somebody wants to deny the obvious, we have no right to stop them.

You can only argue the facts. Nazi's don't reside in a fact based world.

If somebody wants to say red is green, they're an idiot. But they still get to say it.
Climate deniers just babble a lot. Anybody with a brain knows they are already discredited.
Nazi's just babble a lot. Anybody with a brain knows they are already discredited.


Well-Known Member
Sure, no doubt they did in WW2. But could you list the American Nazi's who are abiding by free speech laws who have killed people in America?

Nazi's just babble a lot. Anybody with a brain knows they are already discredited.
And what's more, they're discrediting the moron in the White House who has publicly courted their support.


Well-Known Member
Did you suddenly stop using your brain?

We aren't Nazi sympathizers, and we aren't Chump supporters. We believe in the Bill of Rights and its application to everyone.

If you don't then you're clearly the fascist here, not us.
I believe in the bill of rights too.

I don't agree that Nazis and KKK Klansmen are assembling for redress of a grievance, they are assembling to demand other people should be deprived of their constitutional rights.

While the courts can't or won't do anything it's up to common citizens to show up and shout them down. White people too need to show up in numbers to give support to our black and Hispanic brothers and sisters who are threatened by these fascists..We will not let jackboots parade in our streets in peace.

Fascist is just an insult you hurl without knowing it's meaning. I know it's meaning and won't stand by when they take a stand behind the white supremacist president.
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Well-Known Member
assembling for redress of a grievance
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
While the courts can't or won't do anything it's up to common citizens to show up and shout them down.
No argument there. I'm with you! Shout them down all we can. Personally, I think "shouting them down" is much better received when we actually have factual, logical reasons that counter their own arguments in a reasonable way. Rather than just attacking them personally. I think attacking them personally actually weakens our own arguments since said attacks aren't focused on the actual arguments that they provide. Rather, they're focused on personal biases, personal attacks, emotion, and appeals to ignorance..
White people too need to show up in numbers to give support to our black and Hispanic brothers and sisters who are threatened by these fascists..We will not let jackboots parade in our streets in peace.


Well-Known Member
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

No argument there. I'm with you! Shout them down all we can. Personally, I think "shouting them down" is much better received when we actually have factual, logical reasons that counter their own arguments in a reasonable way. Rather than just attacking them personally. I think attacking them personally actually weakens our own arguments since said attacks aren't focused on the actual arguments that they provide. Rather, they're focused on personal biases, personal attacks, emotion, and appeals to ignorance..

Not a lot of dark faces in that crowd, LOL. Bernie still isn't reaching out to the people who didn't vote for him last election.

There is no good reason why speech used to deprive people of rights must be protected speech. Court rulings before the Civil War protected slavery under the constitution and we dealt with that in 1864. Other countries have done well in protecting free speech while suppressing hate speech, I see no reason why we shouldn't take lessons from them. Just like in the antebellum supreme court that protected slavery was dealt with, we can deal with Nazi and white supremacists, at the very least make it possible for government to say no to their protest marches.

In order to keep the peace, we also need to give authorities the power to ban all weapons at protest marches too. I believe that is the only reason why the protests that I attended in Portland were peaceful. Weapons were confiscated and police cordoned off the protesters. When the assholes tried to speak our voices were louder because we outnumbered them 4 to 1.