Designated grower seeking, patients

Wrong again, I personally know of multiple 100-200 gram a day licences.


Anyone with higher probably got it before the acmpr. I really don’t wanna spend my Saturday with this shit. I haven’t met anyone in Toronto with anything close to what I have. And I know for a fact that 80 is the max. I disagree bud
The max a dr can prescribe is 80/d
It takes 4 months for paper to come which leaves 6 months to grow.
It's going to take 2 months or longer to find a DG able to take on the plant count.
Leaving you at most 4 months to grow at best.
Pretty fucked up situation.
I would've had the DG and everything set up before I got my script .
@itsmehigh How many bulbs in that room? Looks clean. No point going through the dg bs when it's easier to get your ppl. Then u don't have to fork over pounds to someone that's just gonna turn around and sell it. A lot of that shit back in the marr days but not so much now.
Price wise, I’d just like my script given to me. You can do whatever you like with everything else.

These licences take 4minths to get back from Ottawa. They don’t tell you a time frame. Hence the importance of having legal framework. Otherwise, I could get someone trying to rip me off. They legally become allowed to have a farm and I get fucked LOL
hahahaha..I see nobody is running to give you 60 plus 80 grams of free weed a day huh. You want it all funded as needs you or your pathetic paper license. You look pretty desperate.....times have changed idiot. No one wants to be involved with a jerk ya evidenced by the hoard of people flocking to your command.....piss off wanna-bee.
You got nothing because of your personality....
It takes 4 months for paper to come which leaves 6 months to grow.
It's going to take 2 months or longer to find a DG able to take on the plant count.
Leaving you at most 4 months to grow at best.
Pretty fucked up situation.
I would've had the DG and everything set up before I got my script .

Lmfao I am trying to get it setup before. For my wife. She 80, I’m 60. Thanks bro
hahahaha..I see nobody is running to give you 60 plus 80 grams of free weed a day huh. You want it all funded as needs you or your pathetic paper license. You look pretty desperate.....time have changed idiot. No one wants to be involved with a jerk ya evidenced by the hoard of people flocking to you command.....piss off wanna-bee.
You got nothing because of your personality....

Ok hippy. You’re right buddy LOL
Anyone with higher probably got it before the acmpr. I really don’t wanna spend my Saturday with this shit. I haven’t met anyone in Toronto with anything close to what I have. And I know for a fact that 80 is the max. I disagree bud

Facts need to be backed up with proof, got a link to these facts?. Your about 5 years too late with your "golden ticket" they give those things out like candy now a days. I get multiple requests weekly from shiny new "ballers" that think that they have the ticket to their financial freedom. Fact is that these "tickets" will be worthless n the next year or so. The only ones laughing their way to the banks are the crooked doctors signing these absurd scripts.

Wow you don't even have the script. Stop wasting people time.
Do you want me to have a set up for your so-called 60 and 80 phantom plant count come on man.

Jay this is for people who already have a good setup. Not for you bro. Do you bro.

In a year, Ontario will be charging 10/g out of lcbo.....I don’t know about worthless bud
Here's the thing, you want $8000 worth of "meds" a month for free. While any joe blow can get a 60-80 gram a day licence from multiple clinics for $3000. What a great opportunity! Your business plan is flawed. If you were smart, you would grow for yourself.

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I’m gonna grow my own. I want my wife’s grown for her and I can’t do it.

What clinic is gonna get you going on weed without real medical reasoning. It’s not happening buddy
I’m gonna grow my own. I want my wife’s grown for her and I can’t do it.

What clinic is gonna get you going on weed without real medical reasoning. It’s not happening buddy
Happens everyday pal. Deep pockets is all the reasoning some of these doctors need.
Maybe you don't know that people buy the same script you have everyday at a lot of clinics here in Toronto.
If that's the case then I understand why you think you have something special.
Lots of Chinese people have the same script lol.