Designated grower seeking, patients

Billbro Braggins

Check and mate

Its always the smallest dogs that bark the loudest
Should have called himself " bag of shit " it's more appropriate really. The tool bit figures someone is gonna hand him over a quarter pound a day plus an ounce. Foot all the bills and do all the work........what a fucktard.
Those days are his smarts and manners.
Who needs a bag of shit when you can just go get the script yourself and be tool bit free.
I don’t get it...

What lawyer is going to draft and notarize a contract where there is no consideration. You’re implying that the compensation would be in the form of backdooring the bulk of the harvest which would be illegal and thus void the contract.

Why not be a good human being and not try to profit off a system designed to help the sick? Profits are for recreational - leave med patients alone.
check out the Massroots app. You can connect to people in your area to sell to and the app can only be downloaded in states where marijuana is legal whether that's recreationally or medically, so it cant get you in trouble.
its an app that's kinda like an Instagram for people who smoke weed. If you live somewhere where its legal to possess and consume but shops aren't open yet (primarily Washington DC, but I think a few other states) you can find tons of people in your area who are either looking to buy, sell, grow etc.
its an app that's kinda like an Instagram for people who smoke weed. If you live somewhere where its legal to possess and consume but shops aren't open yet (primarily Washington DC, but I think a few other states) you can find tons of people in your area who are either looking to buy, sell, grow etc.
I got that from your first post.