Things That Are Disturbing To You..

I fucking hate anesthetic. I even have my rhizotomies done under only partial sedation.
Once I got another anesthesiologist who gave me something to knock me out. From the second I woke up, I started cursing his sorry arse.
Never even sent me a bill.
When my wife uses my car and leaves it on E and I have to put gas. When she parks behind me and I drive her car somewhere and the gas light comes on. Shit gets under my skin.
Oh how the times change. I remember being irritated when the hubby did not gas my car until I had to tell him to! LOL Nothing made me less interested in sex than having my hands smell like gasoline
Its funny y’all are talking about this. Since I was a kid I’ve never seen my grandma pump gas. My grandpa always did or one of the male family member would pump for her. So imho, pumping gas for you girl is kinda like holding the door open for her. That’s why the only time my wife has to pump gas is if she runs the tank on E and I’m not with her. Other than that I keep our shitz filled up.
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Lol I bet that needle never dipped below 3/4 of a tank. After you told him what happens when gas touches your hands.
That's just it I never had to tell him. From my generation most guys would open doors, gas your car, mow the lawn all the little things that said I love you. Men rarely said anything mushy, but if these things weren't done you knew there were problems! LOL, oh and we did reciprocate, generously. Times were a little easier when you knew the social mores.