You should change your UN to
Ignorant Bleeding Heart Lib There's a HUGE difference as welfare mothers have no father at home (which qualifies them for the aid PER child). They, in fact have multiple children from multiple absentee fathers who provide no help, nor do they want it. Apparently for you, $17.347K per year is chump change, but when you are born into poverty growing up on on govt welfare, you get used to it. Plus these neighborhoods is where most of the crime comes from as a way to augment that free money
Back in the 60s my father built weekly housing in the 'hood' charging $18.54 per week for what would generously be called studio apartments. 2 adjoining 'studios' shared a tiny bath and kitchen WITH ROTATING STRANGERS. My job at 16 was to collect th rents every Friday and Saturday, AND clean the disgusting messes let behind when they fled before paying. First hand experience you have no idea about.
Just read a Cato Article that concludes with
To date, the War on Poverty has placed intentions above results, and the people most harmed by its failures are the programs’ intended beneficiaries.