The Irish Growers Thread!

Just reading up about it now. Sounds very interesting. Feels like soil and grows like Hyrdo. Il start saving :mrgreen:

They sure do man. I gave them a good water with feed awhile ago so hoping they'll pick up by tomorrow night.

I also set my timer for 21/3 so they'll get some rest tomorrow afternoon.

Its good stuff man very hard to over water plants and its very airy stuff. Doesnt latch onto salts as much as soil does. Not that expensive aswell if you buy the dry blocks. I just bought 200 litres worth for 20 quid
Be warned I'm going on a rant

Ok first of all phbis a big thing believe it or not it is how your plant up take the bites.

Organic is harder than u think! Because shit is slow to react. If your sticking your head in every day to have a look it will either blownubaway or break your heart. Been there load a few harvests it's a load of wank. Had some amazing harvests to .
Any one in soil needs to go to local and get a cheap bag of whatever soil they have and pH a simple miracle grow water u can't go wrong veg to flower it works tried it and show many newbie friends and they go great results. It's not going to the tits off your chest in weight but unless your a master grower do u care? Or have the ability?
If u want to step it up go Coco perlite mix and feed canna nutes follow the feed chart unless u fuck up it will get u a better yeilds. And quicker.
Don't worry about temps till u hit 30 add fans and transplant to a bigger pot. The roots will cool down and your golden.
Salt build up happens.shit happens if your worried go to local get two or three big ass 5 litres water yokes and flush.
I ran a 600 how in a 3x3 tent with a scrog with an intake cracked window exhaust to the house to heat it we'll help it no bother. Clip on fans are worth it just to move air around and help the plants sweat and control there own heat. Like my fat ass in anything above 25c. They will drink loads so thing of bigger pots smaller plant count and scroging.
Yeah true that. I just bought my coco in bulk so like 20 blocks for 20 quid and that does 200 litres. Cant go wrong lol

I like the idea of coco but I've only ever grown in soil. Is there much of a difference in growth process between the two?

Where do you get bricks at that price!?
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Man id love to get me hands on that gg4 . Ill be starting my green crack journal on thursday. Hope to have you lads in for the show.
How much would u love to get ur hands on this elite clones especially over this pond of the water so factor that into price but if u know btc I can send u a sample,10g for 150e of UK exodus cheese '88
A few different things u start feeding a week 3 and the plants grow crazy fast compared with soil.
It's easy fix an issues just lash plain water through than a freshing feed and that fixes any thing I've come across.

I do roughly 70% Coco to perlite mix. After a each run I finished the Coco still in the pot with plain water. I get about 8 runs with it before i bag it and throw it away. It's easier than soil but u feed every time after week 3. Well i feed after the second set of leaves. Follow the canna feed chart and always pH. It drys out faster because u can't over water it.

You also get much better yeilds if undo it right and follow the feed chat and don't let the plants dry out to much.
Or gg4(yank clones n she sells at @ 25e a gram heck I was selling the exo for that aswell saying it was a new cheese.
Mormons n imo gg4 has potency and thats it eith exo cheese or UK livers (smelled worse than the exo)
I get about 8 runs with it before i bag it and throw it away

8 grows from one pot of substrate? Damn!! I use BioBizz light normally but I chuck it after each grow, although I'm experimenting with a speedy chile in reused soil at the moment. She's doing the opposite of what her name implies, lol. But she is growing so I'll carry on until I think she's done or I need the space.