Discount Codes and Coupons


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have or know any discount codes or coupons for The Dank Team or Seeds Here Now?

I would greatly appreciate the help!
That SBCOUPONS10 is still good, although just $10 - better than a sharp stick in the eye I suppose, pays for shipping at least, lol. ;?)
Try searching for the coupon code in different places. For example, most bloggers advertise in stores and give a coupon code. I only used such code once. I usually find all the coupons on DontPayFull. Lately, I have bought different things only with coupons. I just don't see the point in purchasing an item at full price if I can buy exactly the same thing at half price or at a 20-30 percent discount. Well, I think you know what I mean. So, try to search. I believe that sooner or later you will find it.