Can y’all take all of this to politics? Hate me if y’all want. Call me whatever the fuck you want. I’m just sick of all of this.

I didn’t come to a weed site for political fights/arguments.

Hate me or like me... but don’t bring politics in it.

It’s played out. Fuck trump, fuck hilary, fuck all of that. Fuck Gary, fuck everything.

But mostly, fuck that nibledix dude. He is literally the only one I actually hate! He said and I quote “do you have Down syndrome?” to @Bob Zmuda ... that crossed the line for me.

And to any of y’all that know me and are ok with that, then fuck you too.

That's not ok. FUCK that asshole right in his eye socket.
Can y’all take all of this to politics? Hate me if y’all want. Call me whatever the fuck you want. I’m just sick of all of this.

I didn’t come to a weed site for political fights/arguments.

Hate me or like me... but don’t bring politics in it.

It’s played out. Fuck trump, fuck hilary, fuck all of that. Fuck Gary, fuck everything.

But mostly, fuck that nibledix dude. He is literally the only one I actually hate! He said and I quote “do you have Down syndrome?” to @Bob Zmuda ... that crossed the line for me.

And to any of y’all that know me and are ok with that, then fuck you too.

I agree with you. I wish Buck would take this back to Politics. I miss the easy atmosphere around here.


I volunteer at the special olympics state summer games every year, they hold it at URI here. Started while I was active duty and just kept doing it. Setting up tents and shit, plus they let you drive a golf cart to bring ice and water around, AND they feed you, AND you get all the free coffee you want. Not a lame ass golf cart either. It’s so much fun, and they can never seem to get enough volunteers.

Edit: it didn’t post all of what I wrote. Anyway, don’t make fun of disabled people you useless cunt.
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I volunteer at the special olympics state summer games every year, they hold it at URI here. Started while I was active duty and just kept doing it. Setting up tents and shit, plus they let you drive a golf cart to bring ice and water around, AND they feed you, AND you get all the free coffee you want. Not a lame ass golf cart either. It’s so much fun, and they can never seem to get enough volunteers.
That's bad ass bro! I love to hear that stuff.

Back when Bruce Jenner was still a dude, my wife and I used to help out with the special olympics in San Jose. My son didn't win much, but boy did he have fun every year he participated! He even helped out setting stuff up with us.
That's bad ass bro! I love to hear that stuff.

Back when Bruce Jenner was still a dude, my wife and I used to help out with the special olympics in San Jose. My son didn't win much, but boy did he have fun every year he participated! He even helped out setting stuff up with us.

Yeah it’s awesome. The sailing regatta is my favorite event. I was on color guard for the opening ceremonies a couple times too.
Yeah it’s awesome. The sailing regatta is my favorite event. I was on color guard for the opening ceremonies a couple times too.

There's some bad ass athletes there. Like, they train all year and shit! My stepson had no chance at any event he participated in. Lol

Talk about a feel good event! Man, it makes me proud just thinking about the few years we did that. Awesome.