It is, but that 'disorderly conduct' law is a bullshit 'catch all' law, that only applies to people who can't afford a lawyer.
For instance: If you pay to go see Lewis Black, you understand that you're going to hear adult language. It's a vulgar standup comedy routine and people expect that sort of language in an adult forum.
But people don't typically take a 12 year old to go see Lewis Black...mainly for that very reason.
But people drive down the road every single day. Kids are on the road every single day as well. They're going to and from school, to the store, to baseball practice, to ballet rehearsal and all other manner of things.
To throw profane, vulgar, adult language in the face of a child (or an adult that doesn't want to hear it in public) is against the law in every single jurisdiction there is. Full stop.
If you feel the need to be so vulgar in front of children in public, then you have some very serious, deep seeded personal problems that you need some serious professional help to resolve.
In the meantime, if the police cite you for disorderly conduct for hurling all kinds of offensive, vulgar, profane, adult words at children, then don't be the least bit surprised. Not everybody is a completely worthless, vulgar, child abusing knucklehead that wants to subject children to that sort of environment.
And there are, contrary to what your...whatever you call whatever raised you...think, there are adults out there that don't want to hear or see it either.
It's PUBLIC. If you can't conduct yourself as an adult in PUBLIC, then prepare to be cited.
That's all there is to it.