My wife and daughter were and are big supporter of Bernie and at the end of the day they realized if Bernard did not make it out of the primary then they would and should vote for the Dem candidate that did. They grown and make decisions like an adult. Unlike the Bernie Bitches..opp sorry Bernie Babies, who thought it best to see Trump in office because their man did not win.
Bernie Babies are pretty stupid like that. Some Bernie fucks did not even vote for Bernie in the primary. Now if that is not the dumbest shit I heard in the election cycle what is ? You scream for a year about your man and when it comes time to vote for him don't. STUCK ON MOTHERFUCKING STUPID
@st0wandgrow @schuylaar 
So yes BERNIE BABIES need not vote with Dems. We will take all other
GROWN Bernie supporters, not these Bernie Babies
Now can can talk about Blacks being free to name their children names they so chose or do you want to be a pussy bitch and avoid the conversation because it would make your trick @schuylaar look like the fool she is ?