Damn you dumb as a fucking log. Fuck spelling if you can't understand simple conversations or the ability to understand or use common fucking sense.
It was asked what did Obama do for blacks. The chart shows what Obama did for our nation in which had a direct impact on all including blacks.
Obama can't stop racism you fool.Hell he has to fight against the shit himself. With people like
@schuylaar and her family, who thinks black people should not name their children certain names or thinks that if she goes to a black doctor she will develop a craving for chicken and watermelon, it is kind of hard to change the mind of the ignorant and stupid.
Racism can only be stop by those who are racist...by not being a fucking racists.
Then we have frauds like you who uses the fight against racism only as a tool in an attempt to win an argument, but will ignore racism to get a piece of pussy. If you were concerned about racism you would have been check
@schuylaar .
If I asked what have you done to help combat racism what would you say ???
" I ignore it to make it go away ".