Saliva Testing.. Ways to Pass?

It is so interesting to think about, but they are no longer interested in catching people who are intoxicated to the point where they can't actually operate the vehicle, they're just interested in seeing if you've been using, so that they can fuck you over. Interesting isn't it?
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In case you didn't know, (I just looked it up) a nanogram is a Billionth of a gram. Might be useful to tell a jury this if you have to defend yourself against this.

As a juror, I would use the jury nullification powers, even explaining to the court that I will not take someone's freedoms from them for a few billionths of a gram of anything.
In case you didn't know, (I just looked it up) a nanogram is a Billionth of a gram. Might be useful to tell a jury this if you have to defend yourself against this.

As a juror, I would use the jury nullification powers, even explaining to the court that I will not take someone's freedoms from them for a few billionths of a gram of anything.
Assuming you dont get a bunch of the old school hardcore republican types that have no sense of liberty.
Theirs this crazy ass fruit that dries up your mouth all the way so theirs no saliva, maybe just eat one of those before test,
I am a crazy ass republican. Though I am repulsed at what many of them do. Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same filthy coin. We have a better understanding of a persons rights than anyone. The Democrats only do a few things I cant support. They are typically anti God, I am a Christian. They are anti gun, I am armed. They kill babies, I think the doctor and mother should get life, or death. And they tax the wealthy, which is the reason our economy went to shit, people close businesses putting folks out of work, and we have Made in China (junk) instead of Made in USA. Republicans support censorshit, and prohibition. But at least they know what "shall not be infringed" really means.
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their saliva test in not admissible in court, only a building block for their arrest - why give them any more tools to use against you- even if you dont use any drugs, the oft seen false positive may get you in a pickle
Ya, I believe refusal is best, even if it will be used against you for probable cause. That leaves an element of doubt, no matter what an officer says they think, smell or sees. If you test positive, it will only concur with what the officer is trying to build against you. If they want my spit that bad, they can detain me and call in a warrant for that shit or let me go. Either way- Im wasting someones time and resources. :fire:
Well if you refuse the test, and they give you a blood test, you're going to come up positive whether you've smoked within several weeks. Then you're going to get your driving while under the influence of drugs charge basically it's an open and shut case against you.
They arent looking to see if you smoke, but when you smoked. By the time they detain, get warrants from a judge to blood test, I still dont think they can determine when I smoked that day (within a 4-6 hr window) even from a blood test. Not sure of the accuracy here, but the saliva test is supposedly only good for determining a 4-6hr window according to the mfr. I'd like to think the hoops they would need to jump through for a blood test will eat up a nice portion of that window.
They don't care if you are high while driving, they care if you get high. This is the drug war. Med cards are just something that your lawyer can use to reduce your sentence.
They arent looking to see if you smoke, but when you smoked. By the time they detain, get warrants from a judge to blood test, I still dont think they can determine when I smoked that day (within a 4-6 hr window) even from a blood test. Not sure of the accuracy here, but the saliva test is supposedly only good for determining a 4-6hr window according to the mfr. I'd like to think the hoops they would need to jump through for a blood test will eat up a nice portion of that window.

Says saliva detects up to 12 hrs. And blood up to 30 days. The link I put up is report from a testing company.
In high school I went to rehab for 60 days. My urine tested positive every day there.

I did not know that our fat cells can release thc into our blood for as long as urine but it makes sense.

We are doomed if they want to use a blood test against a heavy user. Stoners don't often get picked for jury.