Looks like 18/6 for the win according to the poll
both are equal votes btw(for now)
you can bet if 18/6 was more productive than 24/0 I'd surely be using it.(for the 23 cents daily savings even)
24 hours on will metabolize vegging plants at a higher rate.
Less light would allow plants to demand less, less food, less water, less c02, less cooling, less air flow for example, but if not provided to the more demanding schedule of 24/0 and plants suffer..
plants grow to their weakest resource. In a weak room 18/6 or 24/0 is not the limiting factor.
If a room has correct controls a 24 hour lights on in veg will be more productive than a shorter light schedule every time.
if plants are suffering from 24/0 and not from 18/6...check the other controls to be sure you are providing resources correctly.