are nutes essential?


Well-Known Member

just wondering what would happen if i didn't use nutes at all?

my plants are in soil

i have nutes and intend on using them

bio-bloom (2.0 - 6.0 - 3.5, what does that mean, any good?)

would my plant tell me when it wants nutes?



Well-Known Member
Your nutes are for flowering and the ratios look pretty good. Unless your soil already comes with a good amount of nutes in it, you'll have to feed the plants. If they don't get the nutes they need, they will grow very slowly and eventually die if no nutes are applied.


Well-Known Member
Your nutes are for flowering and the ratios look pretty good. Unless your soil already comes with a good amount of nutes in it, you'll have to feed the plants. If they don't get the nutes they need, they will grow very slowly and eventually die if no nutes are applied.
ok thanks,

this is the part of the process im most worried about.

going to do a lot more reading before i use nutes full time.

thanks again


Well-Known Member
Yeah just give them half strength nutes whenever they look like they need it. Manufacturer always recommends too much!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
WAY better to have too little nutes than too much. But when your leaves start to get light green and yellow, that's nitrogen deficiency. This is usually accompanied by dark brown spots - phosphorous deficiency. When you start seeing those it is time to feed. Here's an example when I let my plants get too hungry.



Well-Known Member
if you are growing is soil you can get some fish emulsion and seasol they can be used at half strength for the first feed then you should be able to go full strength two weeks later.
it is very hard to over do these ferts...:-)

oh and they give amazing results,just cut out the fish emulsion during flowering and keep using the seasol...:-)


Well-Known Member
if you are growing is soil you can get some fish emulsion and seasol they can be used at half strength for the first feed then you should be able to go full strength two weeks later.
it is very hard to over do these ferts...:-)

oh and they give amazing results,just cut out the fish emulsion during flowering and keep using the seasol...:-)
thanks for the informative response :-P