Looks like the thread i need
I don't have time to read all 38 pages and I've browsed the net and all info conflicts very convincingly.
Im installing an iror, sulfur, mag filter
In my house.
I don't have hard water but I have iron bacteria.
My ppm is between 70-100 usually.
Ph typically above 8
I don't want the bacteria in my iron filter.
Usually i just shock the well but the people at the budgetwater tell me this is not a good idea and that I should install a chem injection prior to holding tank.
Reason being, if I shock the well that stuff dies and falls to the bottom eventually becoming food for the next bloom and could also ruin/plug my pump.
Kink of makes sense but isn't still a problem to just let it grow in my well
While treating the holding tank?
I own a solution tank and injection setup but if I can simply shock the well every few months I would rather not install it.
Im not sure the source of the problem
Only that it arose years after the well was installed and even repaired a few times.
Its about 300ft