dude ..the hash back then was juicy all there was to it
you were not addicted.

.did you go to rehab..take saboxone or Methadone...
Hash never had opium in it..it was good hash was all

next yer gonna say LSD had strychnine in it..
sorry but this is funny to me..nothing against you.
Had a 15 year old tell me he ate some pot a couple weeks ago that had WINDEX in it and why he ended up in emergency ..for a bed to lie on for a couple hours when he could have just eaten a few cookies and come down.. and fell asleep..instead of wasting the emergency time for people who are really sick.
ps it was the TOBACCO you missed so bad.. OMG lol please...
I can tell you how I know that as well lol,,,, been der done date ...eh