Buds quality LEDs VS HPS


Well-Known Member
How do you figure a COB fixture/ QB fixture costs $600? I could build a 10 panel 1200 watt setup for $600. For $200 I can build a 3 panel, ~400 watt at the wall setup.
I'm talking about quality, ready to go, out of the box fixtures and nothing more. You McGuivering some bullshit doesn't enter into it.

Unless you are buying new HID gear, there's no reason to pay more than $100 for a 600w rig (digital ballast).
I know MMG likes warranties, but I've never had a ballast go out. New or used. And I've got some antiques! So old they're made in USA and are in a steel box that's gotta be 1/8" thick!. :shock:
Again, people, I'm talking about BRAND NEW, OUT OF THE BOX EQUIPMENT.

Jesus fucking Christ. Read what I say, not what you read into it.

The pricing was for a brand new 600 watt Yeild Labs and a 400 watt Timber COB fixture. Next time I'll try to not be so fucking cryptic.


Well-Known Member
The amount of light per watt from COBs and Boards is greater than HPS. The quality of spectrum is far superior to HPS. There are no expensive bulbs to replace every few months. There is virtually no drop in output over time like HPS. COBs and Boards do not burn up your plants with excess heat. I've run high quality LEDs and have had no parts to replace in 2to 4 years of use. The plants respond very well to the wide spectrum.

I guess COBs and Boards really should cost more than yellow street lights.


Well-Known Member
Thought I would share this. Carlos works for one of the top 5 DE hps companies...... View attachment 4055377

I had to point out that this is an led guy forcing negative info on de hps guys who already know the facts and obviously didn’t ask.

But he still had to push it.

And 1.9 regardless of the claimed 2.1 is pretty bright no?

And the led industry exaggerates a lot more than a few percent.

Not saying you exaggerate your product. I appreciate your info.

But this made me lol. :-)


Well-Known Member
The amount of light per watt from COBs and Boards is greater than HPS. The quality of spectrum is far superior to HPS. There are no expensive bulbs to replace every few months. There is virtually no drop in output over time like HPS. COBs and Boards do not burn up your plants with excess heat. I've run high quality LEDs and have had no parts to replace in 2to 4 years of use. The plants respond very well to the wide spectrum.

I guess COBs and Boards really should cost more than yellow street lights.

They shouldn’t cost more. They are likely way cheaper to manufacture. Light bulbs are expensive to manufacture especially quality ones.

But cell phones and other electronic devices are artificially priced too. Despite the cheap mass manufactured circuit boards.


Well-Known Member
I had to point out that this is an led guy forcing negative info on de hps guys who already know the facts and obviously didn’t ask.

But he still had to push it.

And 1.9 regardless of the claimed 2.1 is pretty bright no?

And the led industry exaggerates a lot more than a few percent.

Not saying you exaggerate your product. I appreciate your info.

But this made me lol. :-)
That's at the bulb. Most quality DE greenhouse fixtures have 12-13% reflector loss. So that really is around 1.65 umol/j at system level. For the price DE is really good. Is it the king of efficiency it once was? No. Nothing wrong with hps. Are there more efficient options out there now? You bet. Semiconductor prices continue to fall at a staggering pace. It really is just a matter of time before you will be able to buy a DE replacement for current top of the line DE prices.


Well-Known Member
Is his statement above suggesting we are correct to wait a little longer while prices come down and technology improves?

Yes but that is the case with all new electronics.

I can buy a new laptop like my $700 dell with the same stats and better faster processor for $350 now.

My phone payment was $20 per month last year. The new one will only cost $10.

Prices are artificially created for specific markets.


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about quality, ready to go, out of the box fixtures and nothing more. You McGuivering some bullshit doesn't enter into it.

Again, people, I'm talking about BRAND NEW, OUT OF THE BOX EQUIPMENT.

Jesus fucking Christ. Read what I say, not what you read into it.

The pricing was for a brand new 600 watt Yeild Labs and a 400 watt Timber COB fixture. Next time I'll try to not be so fucking cryptic.
To pretend that DIY has no place in the conversation is just wrong though, man. If someone is prepared to build their own LED fixture, it then becomes part of the comparison for them. Many, if not most, of the COB and QB (and of course strips, because DIY is the only option there) fixtures you'll see here are DIY, and we do NOT concede that these self-made lights are any less valid than something that was purchased whole at retail. So okay, in your scenario, the ROI takes longer. So what? In mine, it's much faster, because I quite literally spent less than $1 per watt for each of my "McGuivered bullshit" lights. You don't get to dictate the terms of the discussion, and as far as we're concerned, DIY is just as much in the running as anything else.

Edit: my argument does NOT apply to commercial growers. I think everyone can agree that they need certified, off-the-shelf solutions.


Well-Known Member
Funny fact. Both led proponents above said their lights won’t come down in price and that the power savings should be enough.

But prices are already way lower than last year even.

Old model leds at Grow stores online are going for 20-40% off. The big named ones like lumigrow which is found in Greenhouse supply catalogs.

Guess new tech is already being shipped to stores for less.

Technology sales are always this way.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Is his statement above suggesting we are correct to wait a little longer while prices come down and technology improves?
Pretty sure the pricing is already there. we all bought DE's few years ago when they were 500 bucks out the box.
Now its under 700 for LED for the same coverage and depending on where you live saving 75 bucks a fixture per month.
Greengenes is right when he says lets see some testing of cannabis. 2 guys in LED section showing lab results is not going to sway HPS farmers who already dropped 10k to go get 17k in leds 2 years latter. There is no savings in that. Need more lab results, pics of bud are great, but the titled thread is bud quality vs hps. Finances has a ton to do with this subject.


Well-Known Member
To pretend that DIY has no place in the conversation is just wrong though, man. If someone is prepared to build their own LED fixture, it then becomes part of the comparison for them. Many, if not most, of the COB and QB (and of course strips, because DIY is the only option there) fixtures you'll see here are DIY, and we do NOT concede that these self-made lights are any less valid than something that was purchased whole at retail. So okay, in your scenario, the ROI takes longer. So what? In mine, it's much faster, because I quite literally spent less than $1 per watt for each of my "McGuivered bullshit" lights. You don't get to dictate the terms of the discussion, and as far as we're concerned, DIY is just as much in the running as anything else.

I agree that the diy lighting is viable and of course part of the conversation but I don’t want to build lights. I spend enough time with my Grows already.

So any cost structure I consider will have a complete new and warrantied in America lamp.

That doubles the prices you all quote.

Also the new tech coming won’t be cobs. I believe it is more like QB lamps but with all the right ratios of colored diodes. Done right this will make cobs seem as inefficient as hps. No wasted light spectrum when customized properly. So more growth still and less watts again.

The more I read and see about cobs and the real numbers and quality produced I know it is best to wait. In my situation anyway.

If I blow a ballast and need to buy 2 new ones I would consider building a lamp to cover the area while I wait. That would free up $300. But I would want to upgrade power and run 600 watts of led for the increased yield and f the heat is less enough so that would double my entry fee again.

They obviously grow great pot at reduced cost. (If you don’t have to pay for them all up front). The usage watts and results that keeps being stated in these threads is all over the place. Just like Growers results always are. And I am sure the builds are pretty variable in tech and quality too.


Well-Known Member
Funny fact. Both led proponents above said their lights won’t come down in price and that the power savings should be enough.

But prices are already way lower than last year even.

Old model leds at Grow stores online are going for 20-40% off. The big named ones like lumigrow which is found in Greenhouse supply catalogs.

Guess new tech is already being shipped to stores for less.

Technology sales are always this way.
I don't see where they said that their lights wouldn't come down in price. I do agree that tech prices are on a perpetual dive, and it has always been thus.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the pricing is already there. we all bought DE's few years ago when they were 500 bucks out the box.
Now its under 700 for LED for the same coverage and depending on where you live saving 75 bucks a fixture per month.
Greengenes is right when he says lets see some testing of cannabis. 2 guys in LED section showing lab results is not going to sway HPS farmers who already dropped 10k to go get 17k in leds 2 years latter. There is no savings in that. Need more lab results, pics of bud are great, but the titled thread is bud quality vs hps. Finances has a ton to do with this subject.

$75 per lamp electrical savings? That is some expensive electricity.


Well-Known Member
I saw that. Don’t the expensive pre made horticultural lamps have that and uv already?

And please ANC. I am not arguing about the lights being able to do the job. Just if I would invest in them.

You are making my point about tech now. The small diy style builders will not be able to compete. Or even keep up.
Check out Amare LED with built in small UV lamp that probably does next to nothing for the plants. California
light works 880 - similar deal. All there UV is only window dressing to drop big bucks on their lights.