republicans do not want black people to vote

The funny thing is that a "conservative" is the vast majority of us.

A "conservative" traditionally isn't opposed to change as long as the proposed change is sensible and serves a purpose.

It's unfortunate that the religious right has bastardized it to just mean "sister fucking retard who loves rich people but will likely never be rich themselves".

lol. that's absolutely the truth.

i tell people i debate with in real life that im conservative and they give me a dumb Republican face like, 'huh? that don't make no sense'. they don't get that im a traditional conservative, in the true fiscal sense.
lol. that's absolutely the truth.

i tell people i debate with in real life that im conservative and they give me a dumb Republican face like, 'huh? that don't make no sense'. they don't get that im a traditional conservative, in the true fiscal sense.
The 'doublespeak' of George Orwell has long since taken over the Republican Party.
The 'doublespeak' of George Orwell has long since taken over the Republican Party.

Very Orwellian of you!

Though I'd say that Republicans are simply hypocrites and social cowards. In the sense they only want what's good for them (or what they think is good for them) and everyone else be damned.