Noobie Clone Grower Questions...


Well-Known Member
When do I top? I'm thing after the 4th branch?
How many ppm of nutes once their root like these? I fed 300 ppm but think I could of fed more!
Their under a 400 watter turned down to
275 watts.



Well-Known Member
When do I top? I'm thing after the 4th branch?
How many ppm of nutes once their root like these? I fed 300 ppm but think I could of fed more!
Their under a 400 watter turned down to
275 watts.
I'm organic so don't use nutes can't help you there, but those girls can be topped now or later depends on your grow and what u r after for my grow I'd top now!


Well-Known Member
I feed around 600ppm in veg,

I top at 3rd node but i grow from seeds
Except for that skinny one in the middle let her grow for a while lol

I got'em going they wanted more light and more nutes one of the sweet cookies started to show signs of something so I fed about 300 ppms then two day later I fed it 550 ppms then it clear up and the new growth is looking good when I go to 1 gallons I'll feed it 750 ppms I'm feeding them sensi grow voodoo juice B-52 then I got some samples of rhizo blast and hydroguard the roots look great!!:eyesmoke: See the last pic it's my deadhead og almost 10 weeks in flower and they're look healthier and perkier than anything I've ever grew

I just need to top now do I wanna top after the 2nd or 3rd branch and then top then twice or just top after the 6th branch? When I grow from seed I'll top after the 5th node trim off the bottom 2 then I'll get 6 colas.


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