To nute or not to nute??


Active Member
Ok i know i might sound like a total noobie asking this but for the sake of my babys i have to.. My loves are about a month old... I have yet to add nutes, i really dont want to burn them so when would be the best time for my babys... *note* i was planning on using mircale grow and the pics are not updated i have transplanted them to bigger containers



Well-Known Member
Dude... that's not healthy for a month old :s

Oh nevermind, umm... You can nute em... but do it very gradually, marijuana can almost take huge amount of nutes, as long as they're introduced gradually.
And if you go with Miracle Grow, do not nute em... the soil contains enough as it is... and make sure to flush tooo :)

And post some updated pics :)



Well-Known Member
those look small for a month..... dont use mg .....if poss.... get fox farm....order it if u cant find it.... its inexpensive..... there still to small for wait..... and if u are using mg soil....your plant already have too many you reaserch man....


Active Member
thanks bro.. ill update them later on today... but one more question... dosent the nutes from the soil run out after a few months?


Active Member
yea i figured that out after i started my grow.. i highly regret using mg to start out the grow.. but wat can i do now? im sure the only thing to do is flush as often as i can right


Well-Known Member
ya id say 2to 3.....but thats a month away....i usually dont start nutes till flowering..... whitch is after a month....usually you shod have atleat a 8 to 9 incher in a month..... somethins wrong....


Well-Known Member
My plants are that big, if not bigger and are only 3 weeks old. Container shouldn't be an issue right now. I've seen pictures of people with plants 1' tall and they are in plastic cups still.


Well-Known Member
yea i figured that out after i started my grow.. i highly regret using mg to start out the grow.. but wat can i do now? im sure the only thing to do is flush as often as i can right
wrong.....those nutes release when watered..... seeing as you have small pots maybe you could transplant into bigger pots with differnt soil.... but give them a week......more.....


Well-Known Member
My plants are that big, if not bigger and are only 3 weeks old. Container shouldn't be an issue right now. I've seen pictures of people with plants 1' tall and they are in plastic cups still.
Whaaaat?... 1' tall and in a plastic cup?.. I wouldn't suggest that, it can cause sever root bound.. definitely not worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
yea when people do that there gonna slow down growth......its probly cause thats how they selll clones....i think your plants will be fine just do what i told you....and if possible set up a journal with all the detail so we can give you a better diagnosis...


Active Member
I think i know wat happened as u see in the pics they were in 16oz foam cups... when i trasplanted into a bigger container i noticed the roots were all the way down to the bottom of the cup which of course would affect the size of the plant since the roots had no room to grow another reason they might look small is when i first started my plants streched alot due to lighting problems so i added more soil to support the stem a little better


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's the number one sign that they need to be transplanted... Oh well, atleast that's done now.

And what soil are they in now?... And in my opinion, it's better to manually feed the plants, than put them in soil that feeds them whenever watered... in uncontrollable amounts.


Active Member
When they were in cups yea it had holes ... My biggest mistake was that i trasplanted them into more mg soil...


Well-Known Member
yup...stay off the nute.....and dont over water...too many nutes.....i started in mg and tras into fox farm....


Active Member
Wow.. Thanks jus beautiful cheezy, and there is a huge difference toker... Im gonna take some pics in about 5 minutes so u guys can see some updates