ACMPR - wait times


Well-Known Member
Health Canada rec’d my app Oct 18/2017. I contacted them December 1 knowing it would not be processed yet but looking to see what the response would be.
My call was answered on the 2nd ring to a live person. They were very professional and made it clear they have a lot of applications coming with no time frame at all. She was able to inform me that my application had been recd and processed and does not show any problems from what she was able to see. From there it was worded it I’d be processed and I will have to wait. So a cpl more weeks now we are at the 9 week mark. I hope it gets here before end of December rather than Jan/Feb 2018. Will update upon its arrival. Good grief.

Health Canada rec’d my app Oct 18/2017. I contacted them December 1 knowing it would not be processed yet but looking to see what the response would be.
My call was answered on the 2nd ring to a live person. They were very professional and made it clear they have a lot of applications coming with no time frame at all. She was able to inform me that my application had been recd and processed and does not show any problems from what she was able to see. From there it was worded it I’d be processed and I will have to wait. So a cpl more weeks now we are at the 9 week mark. I hope it gets here before end of December rather than Jan/Feb 2018. Will update upon its arrival. Good grief.


Got it signed and sent on in Feb. Received it in Sept AND backdated to Jan/ WTF? So now I need to have it renewed by end of Jan and not sure if its worth the $1500 since can't find any other cheaper doc.
welcome vennge...
Sorry your still getting the run around....but at least there was one positive got to talk to someone who seemed at least to be honest
about the situation....
regardless it is still unacceptable....that this many weeks elapse and your told you still have to wait....
one things is for sure...some illnesses will not wait...and will kick the shit out of you in a 9 week period.....
I hope things speed up for you from this point on....because its just not fair to put your health on hold....for a bunch of red tape.
Got it signed and sent on in Feb. Received it in Sept AND backdated to Jan/ WTF? So now I need to have it renewed by end of Jan and not sure if its worth the $1500 since can't find any other cheaper doc.
shit dude....that's kinda equals being bent over a barrel and getting the devils scaley thing driven home.....
I know it’s not the receptionists fault, they can only offer what info/script they are provided with. Either way I did tell myself it would be Xmas before I should start whining that I have not rec’d my license yet. Many posts online show 16+ weeks is the norm. :-/

I just missed out twice on decent clones to get going. Yes they will be avail down the road but.....

Also would be nice to find access to other clone varieties in Canada, that don’t want $250 for 10 clones or whatever. Damn does everyone have to take a turn on ya. Still looking though.

And CannaReview I sent you msg with a name. They offer prescription help and renewals. They charge but way less than that.

I know it’s not the receptionists fault, they can only offer what info/script they are provided with. Either way I did tell myself it would be Xmas before I should start whining that I have not rec’d my license yet. Many posts online show 16+ weeks is the norm. :-/

I just missed out twice on decent clones to get going. Yes they will be avail down the road but.....

Also would be nice to find access to other clone varieties in Canada, that don’t want $250 for 10 clones or whatever. Damn does everyone have to take a turn on ya. Still looking though.

And CannaReview I sent you msg with a name. They offer prescription help and renewals. They charge but way less than that.


Thanks but haven't received it. As for clones no one should have to pay more than $5. $25 per clone is insane as you can buy any other plants which are usually from seed in nurseries for a few dollars.
you will find...anything medical and LP related....will be a total raping of your wallet....
Its best to resist if you can....and try to stick within the people you can the black market/or grey market...
or friends or others in the culture...
What is the purpose of paying for prescription? there are many clinics that do it free and its covered under health care and send in your cultivation ACMPR for $20 or so.
What is the purpose of paying for prescription? there are many clinics that do it free and its covered under health care and send in your cultivation ACMPR for $20 or so.
People with more serious ailments have larger scripts, which doctors are asking patients pay large sums for unfortunately
Mine took roughly 6 months or so. I also did not have to pay my Dr for my life saving prescription.
If I remember right I received the official Health Canada certificate 2-3 weeks after receiving a call verifying my address. Roughly 6 months after first applying.
Cheers :)
They renewed and increased my MMAR script and it only took three weeks to get it back.
ONE week away from the March deadline.

Not sure why AMCPR is slower now and they have MORE help??..:-?

Just sayin..

licenses are a joke the way things are going!? Oh ya...Why are they needed again?
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I can concur I got my final licence in two weeks from the day sent in...
and back then the dept was 1/2 the size.
the whole it takes months and month's to process an application is a farce...and someone senior ...with influence...
is directing how the work flow proceeds..
I had spoken to 2 doctors In my area which also took over a month to book. As one was my family doctor that is not comfortable and the other wanted to try exercise and a diff diet. I am 49yrs old. Not a stoner looking for rec license. I have a medical use fir it and it works but with my career having a drug charge of any sort would not be good for me or my family. So I had to find a med clinic that cost me some $ so I can be legal. Manitoba currently does not have many med friendly doctors. So hence why many of us pay fir it. Not like we enjoy it. But is also the only option.

Yes I can wait for it to be legal but I have been waiting years as is. I am not paranoid big brother knows I will be growing. They can have at her anytime.

I had spoken to 2 doctors In my area which also took over a month to book. As one was my family doctor that is not comfortable and the other wanted to try exercise and a diff diet. I am 49yrs old. Not a stoner looking for rec license. I have a medical use fir it and it works but with my career having a drug charge of any sort would not be good for me or my family. So I had to find a med clinic that cost me some $ so I can be legal. Manitoba currently does not have many med friendly doctors. So hence why many of us pay fir it. Not like we enjoy it. But is also the only option.

Yes I can wait for it to be legal but I have been waiting years as is. I am not paranoid big brother knows I will be growing. They can have at her anytime.


Originally y family doctor wasn't comfortable signing my papers. She told me there's lots of clinics I can go to and get my license. I explained to her that those "doctors" are charging astronomical sums of money, all based on how much of a prescrption you want. I told her that it doesn't sound to legit, and is basically extortion for sick people. I then asked her to sign a declaration of truth, instead of a prescrption. She immediately agreed and filled out my MMAR forms
What is the purpose of paying for prescription? there are many clinics that do it free and its covered under health care and send in your cultivation ACMPR for $20 or so.

Because I don't want to spend 4 months growing few plants when I can do the same with SOG and 7-8 weeks.
What would the declaration of truth do? I am not familiar with that. And glad to hear she signed for you.
My doc more or less just dismissed me I felt. In fact I felt bad for asking which I should not. And unless we all read thru these forums, one has no idea of the questions to ask or what options are avail to us.

I honestly cannot believe that Drs are actually making people pay for prescriptions. Makes me feel like puking. Especially when I think about how many of these sacks of shit, money hungry Drs have probably sold opioid prescriptions. Obviously money is their only concern.
Makes me really grateful to have the Dr I do.
I am sorry that so many of you have to deal with something that isn't fair or right.
Also to clarify. The $ I paid was for two teleconference doc appointments out of province which is not covered by HC. Thus allowing me to get a prescription. Yes it was $300 but it is now legal for me to posses. Thus alleviates a lot stress for me being legal in the eyes of the law. Don’t get me wrong I am all for not having a license but my line of work and coaching kids sports does not look good if you carry any type of conviction drugs alcohol etc. So this is how it works for now. When renewal time comes I plan to talk to my family doc again and see if anything has changed. If not will deal with it then.
